Cholecystitis Secondary

Secondary cholecystitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Secondary cholecystitis (p. secundaria; syn. x. concomitant) is an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder caused by other diseases or disorders in the body. It differs from primary cholecystitis, which occurs as an independent disease of the gallbladder.


Secondary cholecystitis can be caused by various reasons, such as:

  1. gallstone disease, when stones form in the gallbladder;
  2. acute or chronic pancreatitis, when inflammation of the pancreas affects the gallbladder;
  3. cirrhosis of the liver, when the exchange of bile acids is disrupted;
  4. infections caused by bacteria or viruses.


Symptoms of secondary cholecystitis may be similar to those of primary cholecystitis. However, they may also depend on the underlying disease that caused secondary cholecystitis.

The main symptoms of secondary cholecystitis can be:

  1. pain in the right hypochondrium;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  5. metabolic disease.


Treatment of secondary cholecystitis should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused it. However, in the case of acute secondary cholecystitis, emergency surgery to remove the gallbladder may be required.

Analgesic drugs can be prescribed to relieve pain, and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to reduce inflammation.

In addition, patients with secondary cholecystitis are advised to follow a diet excluding spicy, fatty, smoked and fried foods. Instead, you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and protein foods.

In conclusion, secondary cholecystitis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. If characteristic symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek medical help to avoid complications and maintain health.

A cholecyst is a gall bladder, which is an organ of high concentration of acids and leads to their discharge into the small intestine. Through microcirculatory vessels, when bile stagnates, it penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, resulting in secondary heart diseases. The name is not used by chance. Indeed, in practice, the detection of secondary calcular deposits in the gallbladder, a characteristic lesion of the bronchi, is not immediately detected. Thus, the appearance of symptoms is secondary. Treatment of secondary cholecystitis is complicated by the hidden nature of the course, which is why the patient urgently turns to the wrong address. The worst thing will be the lack of treatment, because in this case complications are possible, including the development of oncological pathology. If stones in the bladder and gallstones are detected immediately, then the chance of maintaining health is extremely high. What is secondary cholecystitis? General characteristics In a healthy person, waste accumulates in the body. The human liver is responsible for this, the main task of which is to remove what is unnecessary for the body into the internal environment of the body. Special bile ducts-capillaries drain excess bile, maintaining the functional stability of the gland. In some cases, the liver tissue does not work properly, and malfunctions occur in the form of an accumulation of pathological fractions. Decompensation leads to obstruction of the biliary system and disruption of the outflow of secretions. The main symptom of secondary forms is cholestatic syndrome. This occurs due to the active production of cholesterol and other substances by liver cells, which leads to expansion of the organ, an increase in intrahepatic pressure and the appearance of nagging pain in the chest area.

General classification