
Choleretic is a substance that helps stimulate the secretion of bile by the liver by increasing its outflow from the liver. Bile is a liquid that is produced by the liver and plays an important role in the digestion process.

One of the main functions of bile is the breakdown of fats, which allows the body to absorb them more efficiently. In addition, bile helps eliminate waste and toxins, making it essential for the body to function properly.

Choleretics are used to treat various diseases of the liver and gallbladder. They help increase the amount of bile produced and improve its quality, which can reduce the risk of gallstones and other bile duct-related problems.

Some choleretic substances are produced directly in the liver, while others can be obtained from plant and animal sources. For example, artichoke contains substances that can increase bile secretion, as well as improve metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Choleretics can be taken as medications or included in the diet as natural supplements. However, as with any treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using choleretic substances.

Choleretic is an important substance that helps improve the functioning of the liver and biliary tract. The use of choleretics may be useful in treating various diseases associated with these organs, but you should consult your doctor before using them.

Choleretics are drugs that increase the secretion of bile and its outflow from the liver. They are used for diseases associated with difficulty in the outflow of bile or insufficient secretion of bile.

The mechanism of action of choleretics is associated with the activation of receptors in the gallbladder and liver. These receptors are sensitive to cholecystokinin and other hormones that cause contraction of the gallbladder and the release of bile. Activation of these receptors leads to increased secretion and outflow of bile.

The most well-known choleretic drug is a choleretic drug, which increases the secretion of bile by stimulating receptors in the liver and gallbladder. This may help improve digestion and reduce the risk of developing stones in the gallbladder and other bile ducts.

However, it should be remembered that choleretics may have side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and increased blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, before using choleretics, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Choleretics are substances that stimulate the secretion and release of bile into the gallbladder. These substances can be used to treat diseases associated with disruption of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Choleretics can stimulate contraction of the gallbladder, which leads to an increase in the outflow of bile. This can help reduce bile stagnation and improve its transport into the intestines.

One of the most well-known choleretics is a choleretic agent, which stimulates the secretion and excretion of bile from the liver. This drug is used to treat cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and other gallbladder diseases.

There are also plant choleretics such as artichoke, dandelion, immortelle and other herbs that can also stimulate bile secretion. They can be used as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of gallbladder and liver diseases.

What is choleretics

“Choleretics” is used as the main chemical stimulator of bile secretion - a substance (a substance that increases the amount of secretions of the digestive tract and the activity of its excretory system), which is part of the class of amino-containing organic compounds with a common chemical structure - benzylamine. With a high level of removal of gallstones from the body, choleretics are used to treat kidney stones or to improve the condition of jaundice, cirrhosis or hepatitis.

Mechanism of action

With long-term use, they cause toxic effects and painful reactions - increased tone of the intestinal muscles and organs of the reproductive system, damage to red blood cells, reduction of mitochondria, increased tissue demand for oxygen, allergies, rashes, intestinal colic and other health problems. Long-term use of choleric drugs is not permissible without compelling reasons. In case of intoxication, the first step is to wash out the stomach, after which emergency hospitalization is indicated.

Choleretics are drugs that directly stimulate the removal of bile from the body. Wikipedia does not describe specific products with this effect. In any case, I have not encountered such ones. However, it would be strange if choleretics existed. Still, a person should have only 24 hours of pure rest per day - while the liver is under physical stress, bile is produced and secreted.

However, any of the choleretic drugs also has choleretic properties. But it is more difficult to call them choleretics, because bile is not excreted from the body by itself, but only enters the duodenum from the liver through the bile ducts. These are fundamentally different mechanisms.

Choleretics belong to a large group of drugs, the use of which causes an increase in bile outflow, along with stimulation of other liver functions, such as the secretion of digestive juices. Taking them may cause increased stool frequency and diarrhea. Examples of choleretics are pinarin, calamus root and magnesium salicylate.