Chondroitinsulfuric acids

Chondroitin sulfates (CHS) are a group of natural glycosaminoglycans that are part of cartilage tissue, as well as synovial fluid. Chondroitin sulfate is the main component of proteoglycans - complex proteins consisting of proteins and glycosaminoglycan.

Chondroitin is an important component of cartilage and bone tissue. It plays a key role in the process of tissue regeneration and repair, as well as in protecting joints from damage. In addition, chondro-itin sulfate improves blood circulation in tissues and helps reduce inflammation.

With a lack of chondroitin in the body, various diseases can occur, including arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and others. In this regard, chondroitin sulfate is widely used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of these diseases.

Various forms can be used for treatment with chondroitin amide sulfate: tablets, capsules, ointments and gels.

Chondroitin sulfate is a natural element that restores cartilage tissue. Chondroitins usually have no contraindications, but they can cause allergic reactions or other negative reactions in some people. In this article we will look at how chondroitin