Neck Pterygoid

Bird neck is a rare hereditary disease characterized by enlargement of the neck area and impaired swallowing function. Neck wing syndrome is the consequence of a genetic defect in the normal architecture of the conus vasa vasculosa, which controls the development of hard structure in krill cartilage. The defect causes some areas of the krill to lose connection with other tissues. This, in turn, causes the structural area in the neck to expand and cause muscle dysfunction.

The first signs of the syndrome appear in early childhood. The neck gradually widens, and difficulty swallowing (dysarthria) appears. The disease progresses steadily, necessitating the intervention of surgeons and speech therapists. In later stages, patients cannot swallow solid food and require specialized treatment and care.

Timely consultation with a doctor and treatment help to avoid irreversible changes in the body and reduce the incidence of complications. Treatment includes drug therapy