Huntington's chorea

Genting's chorea is a genetic disease that is inherited and is associated with impaired brain function. People with this disease suffer from involuntary body movements. Simply put, illness leads to dance moves. This is what happens when the muscles in your face, arms and legs start twitching erratically. Movements occur both simultaneously and separately. In addition, you can notice at these moments the unnatural sounds that a person makes. Usually the disease manifests itself in either men or women. Most often this occurs between the ages of 30 and 40. You can live your whole life without knowing about the problem, but after 50 years the risk increases significantly. I've read articles about people who learned to dance with Genting chorea from watching others dance. There are also cases where patients died from breathing problems or due to complications of the disease

Henry's chorea 3. For medicine, this is a severe and incurable progressive neurological disease. This is due to neurons in the brain that lose their function in transmitting and storing nerve impulses. This process is accompanied by a host of positive effects, for example, the constant death of the cell population of neurons, a decrease in the average size of the brain