Hottentot Apron

The Hottentot apron is a developmental anomaly in girls that results in overly enlarged labia minora that hang down like an apron, as if wearing a skirt over the head. This phenomenon is rare, but raises many questions and discussions.

The Hottentot apron cannot cause infertility, but it can interfere with normal sexual function in a girl. One of the main causes of deformity is heredity, and 80% of people with this defect have mothers with similar symptoms. The presence of Hottentot aprons is not a contraindication for motherhood and there are many examples of maternal feats in the face of this anomalous defect. In some cases, it is necessary to observe operations during pregnancy, when it becomes clear that the help of a surgeon is needed. If a woman wants to have a child with a partner whom she has known for a long time or whom she completely trusts, all the associated experiences can be experienced together, having an honest attitude towards each other. In any case, the fact that such cases exist and women successfully overcome them demonstrates how difficult real life situations can sometimes be.