How to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby After a Miscarriage.

How to give birth to a healthy baby after a miscarriage

Miscarriage is a difficult ordeal for expectant parents. But even after an unsuccessful pregnancy, a woman still has a chance to give birth to a healthy child. The main thing is to properly prepare for a new pregnancy.

We talked with Vera Mikhailovna Sidelnikova, professor, head of the pregnancy department of the Russian Research Center for Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and learned how to increase the chances of having a healthy baby after a miscarriage.

The risk group includes women with chronic diseases who suffered acute respiratory infections in the first 3 months of pregnancy, as well as those who had an abortion during their first pregnancy.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage: disappearance of nausea, decrease in breast swelling. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and do an ultrasound.

To avoid another miscarriage, you need to identify and treat the causes of an unsuccessful pregnancy before planning the next one. Women are prepared for a new pregnancy within six months to a year: immunity is restored, hormonal disorders and diseases of the reproductive system are treated.

It is important to undergo examination and treatment together with your partner, since miscarriage can also be caused by male factors.

Stay informed about your prescribed treatment and keep records. If the first course did not help, you need to change tactics. Help can be obtained from specialized medical institutions and centers. The main thing is not to despair and continue to fight for the health of your unborn baby!