
The human body is inhabited by various microorganisms and infections that can cause serious damage to it. One such infection is hydrophobia. This rare disease affects people who are immune to the toxins of pathogens. Hydrophobia is a condition when a person is afraid of water. The disease occurs under the influence of the antigenic properties of rabies viruses. The bacterium enhances the pathological properties of the body and suppresses the immune system. As a result, a person becomes exposed to large

In recent years, cases of hydrophobia (fear of water) have become more frequent, affecting large groups of people in different countries of the world. According to the World Health Organization, about 20 million people in the world suffer from hydrophobia. On the territory of Russia, the number of hydrophobes reaches approximately 8 million people.

The overwhelming majority of all hydrophobes are young and middle-aged people. The incidence of the disease in the age groups “from zero to one year”, “from two to ten years”, “sixteen to twenty-four years” is significantly higher than the average population incidence. The male to female sex ratio for hydrophobia is 0.7.

In epidemic forms of hydrophobia, morbidity data often mask the true scale of the epidemic due to the short-term persistence and rapid elimination of disease foci. With sporadic prevalence, epidemic outbreaks are rare.

Hydrophobia is an acute infectious zoonotic enzootic anthroponotic anthroponotic disease with a predominant coverage of age groups 3–5 years. The causative agent of hydrophobia belongs to the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae (cytomegaloviruses), the genus Vesiculovirus of the family Picornaviridae, and the genus Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae. There is no specific prevention. Selectively protect young people from direct contact with a person with hydrophobia; if necessary, ensure temporary isolation of sick adolescents from child care institutions. Avoid sharing household items with people who have recently been in contact with someone who is sick or suspected of being sick. Take care of animals in contact with the sick and with obvious contamination of felines' homes. For 1 month after recovery, avoid contact with sick people. Demand special attention from veterinary services to those suspected of being infected with rabies. Carefully follow safety rules while performing work. If you have the slightest ailment, consult a doctor as soon as possible.