
Hygiene is a medical science that studies the influence of the external environment on human health. It includes a wide range of activities aimed at ensuring a clean and safe environment, as well as maintaining human health and hygiene.

The importance of maintaining hygiene cannot be overemphasized. Poor hygiene can lead to various diseases such as infectious diseases, allergies and other health problems. Therefore, maintaining good hygiene is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the main aspects of hygiene is personal hygiene. This includes regular hand washing, oral, body, hair and nail care. It is also important to keep your home clean and tidy, regularly ventilate the room and clean up.

Hygiene also includes health activities such as exercise, healthy eating, avoiding bad habits and regular medical checkups. All this helps maintain health and reduce the risk of various diseases.

Maintaining hygiene is also important for public health. For example, cleanliness and hygiene in public places such as hospitals, schools and public transport help prevent the spread of infections and diseases. Therefore, hygiene rules should be observed not only in personal life, but also in public places.

Overall, hygiene is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Following good hygiene helps prevent many diseases, maintain health and improve the quality of life. Therefore, you should pay due attention to this issue and follow the rules of hygiene throughout your life.

Hygiene is a science that studies the influence of environmental factors on human health and ways to preserve it. It includes many aspects such as environmental health, occupational health, nutrition, exercise and other aspects that affect our health.

One of the main aspects of hygiene is environmental health. This includes the cleanliness of air, water, soil, food and other items we use in daily life. Dirty conditions can lead to various diseases such as respiratory diseases, allergies and others.

Occupational hygiene also plays an important role in maintaining health. Working in hazardous conditions can result in injury and illness. Therefore, it is necessary to follow workplace safety rules and use protective equipment such as masks, gloves and safety glasses.

Another important aspect of hygiene is nutrition. Proper nutrition helps maintain health and fight various diseases. It is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and also avoid overeating and eating unhealthy foods.

Exercise also plays an important role in maintaining health. They help strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce stress levels and improve mood. However, you need to choose the right types of exercise and not overload yourself.

In conclusion, we can say that hygiene is not only the science of health, but also the science of how to maintain it. Following the rules of hygiene will help us avoid many diseases and maintain good health for many years.

Hygiene is one of the important disciplines in medicine. She studies the influence of the environment on a person's healthy life. It has been developing since the dawn of human civilization and has studied principles that will help people maintain and improve their health. There are many aspects of hygiene such as personal hygiene, professional hygiene. In this article we will dwell in more detail on personal hygiene and its principles.

Hygiene starts small, namely with personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is a fundamental component of human life, and it contains a lot of information that can help improve and maintain your health and even extend its duration. In personal hygiene, it is worth paying attention to three main aspects: 1. Skin hygiene. The skin is the largest organ in the body and performs many functions, the main one being the secretion of sweat and other products of the sebaceous glands. This function helps protect the body from many factors such as viruses, bacteria, etc. But we must not allow the skin to not receive the amount of nutrients and moisture it needs. It is especially important to take care of the skin of the face if there are a large number of sebaceous ducts. To avoid facial skin inflammation, it is important to determine your skin's needs for quality products.