Extension of the arms at the upper block in a lunge

Extension of the arms at the upper block in a lunge actively influences internal head triceps shoulder muscles.

Here it is appropriate to apply the principle “compression peak“Hold the weight for two to three seconds, and after that, smoothly lower it.

Every day I have to watch how young athletes, who have just opened the door to the gym, make pitiful attempts to make their arms at least a little stronger. They pick up a barbell and, using incredible amplitude cheating, squeeze it dozens of times onto their biceps. All these pathetic movements bring a wide ear-to-ear smile to my face.

Every experienced bodybuilder should know that biceps - quite a small muscle. The main volume of your shoulder is given by triceps. Its weight in proportion to the weight of the entire shoulder is 70%. Only 30% remains for the biceps. Therefore, if you want to have massive arms, you first need to take care of your triceps.

We have already looked at a number of exercises for the triceps extensor muscle. Moreover, both basic and isolated. All of them are useful and effective. Let's look at another variation of the French press on the upper block, standing in a split leg.

French press at the block, standing in a split leg.

Lunge pull-downs, like standing triceps pull-downs, can be performed in various variations. racks And grip. Larry Scott, for example, does this exercise on his knees, with his elbows resting on a high bench. And Robbie Robinson pulls a block with each hand alternately. This technique allows him to more clearly and optimally to focus on at work on your triceps.

Read about how else you can work out your triceps in other articles on our sports portal, as well as, for example, on this sports website. And let your arms be massive, like Eddie Robinson's.

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