Hyperhidrosis Functional

Functional hyperhidrosis (h. Functionalis) is one of the most common diseases, which is manifested by excessive sweating in certain parts of the body. This problem can lead to stress, self-doubt and even inhibitions. However, treatment for this problem is possible and even well studied.

Generally, hyperhidrosis is functional, meaning that it occurs in response to a specific factor, such as stress or anxiety. This is contrasted with benign, which is not associated with any factors and simply occurs for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of functional hyperhidrosis can vary depending on where in the body the changes occur. Common symptoms include sweating, increased body temperature, and social anxiety because many people do not want or know how to be around someone who sweats profusely.

The basis of treatment for functional sweating is to reduce symptoms by understanding their causes. For example, patients may present with sleep disturbances, thirst, headaches, digestive problems, increased stress levels, etc. In these cases, identifying the underlying causes can help you refocus on your own strengths and work with your doctor to combat unpleasant symptoms.

What treatments are there to treat hyperhidrosis? Unfortunately, there is no single and comprehensive therapy. Treatment is always individualized, and in accordance with the clinical protocol, various methods can be applied to eliminate the cause of sweat formation. Often, the diagnosis of functional hyperhidrosis, together with the treatment of pathological conditions and the identification of triggers, can help alleviate clinical manifestations and restore the natural functioning of the body.