Hypochondriacal Fixation

Fixation on your health or hippochondria

Hypochondriacal syndrome is a symptom complex caused by increased suspiciousness and anxiety of the patient with complaints about “symptoms of diseases” that do not actually exist, as well as psychogenic “painful sensations” (the so-called pseudos

Hypochondriacal syndrome is not a disease as such, but simply a name for a collection of complaints that indicate anxious or dark thoughts in a person. Those who live the longest over the years are not cheerful cynics, not smart lazy cunning people, and not laughing optimists, but people with hypochondriac syndrome. They pay special attention to their health; some are even treated by the best doctor in the city (country, world). There is only one way to get rid of the diagnosis of hypochondriac: to convince the patient that he is healthy, but not everyone can do this. Of course, such people have high anxiety and conviction of everything bad. But, despite the impressive amount of stress, they live a long time, using and permeating their lifestyle: firstly, thanks to self-love, and secondly, so as not to waste resources on fruitless thoughts and stupid experiences. If we consider hypoid women to be sick people, then, accordingly, they need to be treated: forced to take medications, put on IVs, give them tea, bandage their heads and ultimately bring them back to life. They get along well with life if their own body functions normally; and they are endlessly sad, tormented, and suffer if problems arise. It is believed that the first symptoms of hypochondria, excessive attention to one’s health, appear closer to the age of thirty. This means that up to this age it is convenient to monitor patients, because of them there is no need to regret anything - there will be an ideal outcome for everyone. You just need to carefully work with the person and eliminate this aggravating circumstance as a constant negative thought. To explain the importance of lifestyle, let's give someone all the power of a modern person who spends up to 75% of the day in transport or sitting somewhere else, pressing buttons. At the same time, he comes home, throws off the mask of busyness, sits on the sofa and calls you on the phone, begins to complain about his health and life. Faced with information about someone else's serious diagnosis, the hypochondick immediately begins to list how many operations this caller performed on the patient, how many medications he took while no one was able to help. Thus, the complaint becomes a source of additional anxiety for you and for the other person. If you say something like “terrible, I’m sorry,” you can be sure that the person on the other end of the phone will sigh with gratitude. Because many hypochondriacs pretend to be sympathetic, because they may feel that others are indifferent to their problems. Only this is not true at all. There is no self-interest in sympathizing with a person with hypochondria. Most likely, he will never be able to prevent the disease or stop its development, so there is no point in envying such a pitiful parade of health, quite the opposite. So help the person his problem and treat this as a useful prevention of phenomena typical for any disease. Be sincerely interested, listen, empathize, and the result will not be long in coming. This is what sick people want and demand - so that