Hypoxemia Arterial

Hypoxemic arterial disease (HAD) is a poorly understood rare neurodegenerative disease characterized by chronic cerebral ischemia with multiple focal neurological symptoms and spontaneous episodes of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), which in some cases can develop into a full-blown stroke.

Characteristic clinical signs include predominantly unilateral hemiaparesthesia (pain for at least 6 months), sensory loss, changes in consciousness, seizures, fever, episodes of mental confusion, and changes in motor function. Episodes repeat once or twice a week or less.

The diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical and neurological data, as well as electroencephalogram, magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography (PET). Treatment of GAB includes dietary measures, limiting alcohol consumption, managing anxiety and depression, and, if necessary, vascular medications, anticoagulants, glutamatergic blocking agents, or anticonvulsants. Supportive treatment and counseling on lifestyle changes