Hysteroscope Contact

A contact hysteroscope is a medical device designed for visual examination of the inner surface of the uterus and diagnosis of various diseases. It is a long tube with a lens at the end that allows you to magnify the image of the lining of the uterus.

The contact hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervix, and then brought into contact with the inner surface of the uterus. This allows you to get a clear image of the mucous membrane and detect any pathological changes.

The use of a contact hysteroscope has a number of advantages over other methods of examining the uterus. First of all, this is the ability to obtain a more detailed image of the mucous membrane, which makes it possible to identify even minor changes. In addition, a contact hysteroscope allows tissue biopsy, which may be necessary to diagnose certain diseases.

However, like any medical device, a contact hysteroscope has its limitations and contraindications. For example, it cannot be used in patients with allergies to the materials from which the hysteroscope is made. Also, the use of this device may be associated with certain risks, such as damage to the mucous membrane or infection of the uterus.

Overall, the contact hysteroscope is an important tool in diagnosing diseases of the uterus and can help doctors make the correct diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment. However, its use should be carried out only by qualified specialists and taking into account all possible risks and contraindications.

**Contact Hysteroscope** is a specialized instrument for performing medical procedures in the internal cavity of the uterus. It is used to diagnose and treat various diseases of the internal genital organs. Hysteroscopic examination is one of the most accurate methods for studying the condition of the uterine mucosa and its pathological changes.

- Contact hysteroscope. The patient is located on a gynecological chair in a gynecological office. The doctor inserts a soft silicone conductor into the vagina, which is loosely placed on the hysteroscope and, together with the hysteroscope, is inserted into the uterine cavity through the vaginal vault at an angle of 135. In this case, the blind tube of the conductor also serves to maintain the integrity of the cervical canal, which is extremely important for the prevention of pregnancy. The edges of the hole of the guide are soldered to the edges of the hole of the hysteroscope, after which the gynecologist removes the guide with the hysteroscope through the vaginal vaults without applying rough pressure to the cervix. The patient's position does not change until the end of the procedure and after the study. The doctor’s algorithm of actions involves the introduction of contact hysteroscopy at a height of about 4 cm during an internal examination of the uterus without bending. The optimal depth of the conductor in the genital slit in this position is about 7-9 cm. Before inserting the hysteroscope into the cavity, it is necessary to obtain fluids to remove air and dirt in the uterus by scraping under the control of the hysteroscope. This procedure is carried out in full, but quite rarely.