I.g. Vienna N.i.v.

I.G. Vienna N.I.V.: application features and effectiveness

I.G. Vienna N.I.V. is a drug that is used for replacement therapy for various immunodeficiencies. The drug is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Kedrion S.p.A. and is a human immunoglobulin of normal composition. It is used to prevent infections in various diseases, as well as to treat some immune disorders. In this article we will look at the features of the application and effectiveness of I.G. Vienna N.I.V.

Main indications for use

Drug I.G. Vienna N.I.V. used for replacement therapy for various immunodeficiencies. It can be used for agammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodeficiencies associated with a- or hypogammaglobulinemia, deficiency of IgG subclasses, as well as secondary immunodeficiency syndrome due to chronic lymphocytic leukemia, pediatric AIDS or bone marrow transplantation. In addition, the drug can be used to prevent infections in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki syndrome, sepsis and viral infections. Application of I.G. Vienna N.I.V. also effective in preventing infections in premature infants with low birth weight (less than 1500 g), Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, autoimmune neutropenia, partial red cell aplasia of hematopoiesis, thrombocytopenia of immune origin and other diseases.


Drug I.G. Vienna N.I.V. not recommended for hypersensitivity to human immunoglobulins, especially in patients with IgA deficiency due to the formation of antibodies to it. Before starting to use the drug, you should test for the presence of antibodies to IgA.

Side effects

Application of I.G. Vienna N.I.V. may be accompanied by some side effects. These may be headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, arterial hypo- or hypertension, tachycardia, cyanosis, shortness of breath, a feeling of constriction or pain in the chest, allergic reactions. Rarely, severe hypotension, collapse, loss of consciousness, and anaphylactic shock may occur. If any unwanted effects occur, seek medical attention.

Dosage and method of administration

Dosage of the drug I.G. Vienna N.I.V. should be individualized and determined depending on the severity of the disease, the age and weight of the patient, as well as the goals of therapy. The drug is usually administered intravenously, slowly, over several hours. For the prevention of infections, the dose is usually 0.4-0.8 g/kg per month, and for the treatment of immunodeficiencies - 0.2-0.4 g/kg every 3-4 weeks. Doses and intervals between injections may be changed depending on the effectiveness of therapy and tolerability of the drug.


I.G. Vienna N.I.V. is an effective drug for replacement therapy for various immunodeficiencies and prevention of infections. It can improve the quality of life of patients, reduce the frequency and severity of infections, and also reduce the risk of complications due to immunodeficiency. However, the effectiveness of the drug may vary depending on the specific case and characteristics of the disease.


Drug I.G. Vienna N.I.V. is an effective means for replacement therapy for immunodeficiencies and prevention of infections. However, before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the individual dosage. It is also necessary to take into account possible side effects and contraindications. If unwanted effects occur, seek medical attention.