If you want to have a boy, eat more fat

Recently, a short article appeared in the German magazine Spiegel about a group of scientists led by American microbiologist Cheryl Rosenfeld. Their research showed that proper nutrition of parents can affect the gender of the unborn child. In particular, if the expectant mother wants to give birth to a boy, then before conception and in the early stages of pregnancy she should eat foods rich in fats, but low in carbohydrates. If the desire is to have a girl, then on the contrary - you need to consume more carbohydrates and limit fat.

However, as American scientists emphasize, the recipe is not universal. So far, experiments have been carried out only on mice, and strict adherence to the specified diet allowed achieving the desired result only in 2 out of 3 cases.

Although the research has not yet been extended to humans, the results have generated a lot of interest. After all, many parents dream of giving birth to the gender they prefer. And, perhaps, soon expectant mothers will begin to follow the recommendations of scientists and eat according to their desires.

However, we should not forget that the desired gender of the child is not the most important thing to consider when planning a pregnancy. It is important that the expectant mother eats properly and gets enough of all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor and follow all his recommendations.