Double needle

The Double Needle is an instrument used for spinal puncture. It consists of two steel tubular needles inserted into each other in such a way that the inner needle is longer than the outer one.

A double needle is used to inject medications or fluids into the cerebrospinal fluid, which is located in the spinal cord. This may be necessary in the treatment of various diseases such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and other neurological problems.

Before using the Double Needle, the doctor must conduct the necessary examinations and make sure that the patient has no contraindications to performing a spinal puncture. During the procedure, the patient lies supine on a couch while the doctor inserts a needle into the spine through the skin and muscle. When the needle reaches the spinal cord, it begins to puncture it, creating a small hole. Medicine or liquid is then injected through this opening.

After administering the medicine or liquid, the needle is removed and a bandage is applied to the puncture site. The spinal tap procedure can be quite painful, so the patient may be given a pain reliever before the procedure.

Overall, the Double Needle is an important tool in medical practice, which allows the injection of drugs and fluids into the cerebrospinal fluid to treat various diseases.

A double needle, or spinal puncture needle, is a tool for the spinal administration of drugs into the cavities of the subarachnoid and intercellular spaces of the spinal cord. These types of punctures are used both for acute pain and for anesthesia during surgical interventions in the back and lumbar region. In addition, this operation is not only a medical procedure, but also a cosmetic procedure. To carry out the necessary procedure, specialists use a double needle.

Instruments of the “Double” series are intended for the introduction of radiopaque agents into the periosteum, interosseous tissues of the leg and other membranes in the area of ​​both bones of the tibia. As a result of puncture anesthesia, the patient is asleep for five minutes. This is the most common method of blockade in our country.

Before performing the procedure, the nurse fills a syringe with an anesthetic solution and injects the patient into the lower back. The doctor inserts a double needle through it. During the procedure, the doctor holds the needle with only one finger, and the pain is relieved with medications. Numbness occurs quickly and painlessly. The whole procedure takes no more than ten minutes. The needle is then removed and a bandage is applied.

If there are metal structures, pins and plates near the bone, the surgeon chooses a different method. First, a thorough treatment of the skin is done, followed by anesthesia with a special cream, which also begins to act immediately. After this, according to the generally accepted procedure, the doctor performs a puncture of the joint. The injection is usually completed on the first try. With this type of manipulation, additional anesthesia is not required. Usually the procedure lasts about twenty minutes, but it all depends on the chosen method of drug administration.

A double needle is a spinal tap instrument that is used to administer medications or take fluid samples from the spinal cord. A double needle consists of two steel tubular needles inserted into one another so that the inner needle is longer than the outer one.

Double needle lumbar puncture is often used during spinal and low back surgeries, as well as in spine treatments to treat cartilage joints with special medications. To carry out the double needle insertion procedure, the doctor must use special equipment and tools. During acupuncture, the patient may experience some discomfort, but the procedure is relatively painless. Typically, the procedure for inserting a double needle for a spinal puncture is performed by an experienced doctor who is ready to answer all questions and give advice to the patient. One common method of double needle insertion, surgical, involves using a double needle and manipulating through tissue. A special apparatus is used for this. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a double needle into the area between the skin and the nerve. The needles are installed on both sides of the needle so that the inner needles at the ends enter

A double needle is one of the most important instruments in medicine, which is used for performing spinal punctures and collecting spinal material for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the nervous system.

The double needle is a unique tool consisting of two tubular steel needles of different lengths. The outer needle is larger than the inner needle and sits inside the inner needle to prevent fluid from leaking out of the tube. This design makes the needle double effective when performing a spinal procedure.

The outer needle has a pointed tip, and the inner needle is sharp for collecting spinal marrow

The Double Needle is a sharp and precise medical instrument that is used to perform spinal punctures. A double needle consists of two steel tubes inserted into each other. The inner needle has a long tube, which ensures a more precise and efficient procedure.

The principle of the double needle is to create an open space through which the doctor can insert the needle into the patient's spinal space. It is used for operations requiring access to the spinal