Imidazole (Imidat.ole)

Imidazole is a chemical compound that is used in medicine as an antifungal and antibacterial agent. It belongs to the group of antifungal drugs that act on both fungi and bacteria. Some of them are also used as anthelmintic drugs.

Imidazoles can be prescribed as tablets or creams. They help fight fungal infections such as thrush, candidiasis and others. They are also used to treat bacterial infections such as staphylococcus, streptococcus and others.

It is important to note that imidazoles should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and consultation. Self-medication can lead to serious health consequences.

Imidazoles are medicines used to treat bacterial and fungal infections. This name includes a number of chemical compounds, among which it is worth highlighting imidazole propinate, tioconazole, econazole nitrate, ketoconazole, which is widely used for the treatment of various types of fungal infections of nails and skin. Their action is based on an antagonistic effect on histoplasmosis, the causative agent of dermatophytes and eumycetes. The substance has fungicidal properties, destroying bacteria, fungi and other types of fungi. The compound also helps eliminate pathogenic microorganisms developing on the surface of the skin. The drug is available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. It is used under the supervision of a physician in the event of: pityriasis versicolor, weeping skin lesions, and herpes zoster.

Use in the presence of infection. The drug is prescribed without damaging muscle tissue, blood vessels and endocrine organs. Candidiasis is a common indication for its use. Imidazole is also used to prevent mycosis of the feet and candidiasis of the genital organs in weakened people. Another reason for applying the medication is to prevent the infection from recurring after a course of treatment. Patients with skin thrush and mycosis of the feet should apply the drug in an amount of 5 ml on the heels 2 times a day and the same number of times on the toe of a healthy limb. Mycosis of the feet should be treated externally only in the initial stages of the disease, when a film has appeared. Points located on the inflamed dermis should be treated. A positive result will be noticed after the first procedure. However, after applying the cream, the number of procedures is increased to 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined in each case individually. According to the instructions, the imidarol cream is applied until it dries, which takes approximately 4 hours. After this you cannot go to the surface