Immunity Antiviral

Immunity is not only the body’s defense against various diseases, but also the ability to resist viral infections such as influenza, measles, herpes, rubella and others. In this context, "antiviral" immunity is a function of the immune system that helps fight viruses in the body.

Antiviral immunity can be classified according to various mechanisms. For example, one mechanism is the destruction of viruses by special cells called macrophages and T lymphocytes. These cells detect viral particles and destroy them through lysis (cell rupture) or complement-dependent mechanisms. In addition, immunity can increase the level of protective antibodies through activated B cells or facilitate the transfer of immune factors such as MHC proteins - major histocompatibility complex. It is also known that there are several types of cells that respond to viral infection in the body, such as interferons, complements - a highly active protein complex - and substances such as cytokines that cause a hypersensitivity reaction in the body. However, the mechanism of antiviral immunity is still not fully understood. In total, all these mechanisms together provide effective control of viral infections, including recovery from infection. - *Sources:* - -

Immunity is a unique system of our body that allows us to protect ourselves from various diseases, including infectious ones. One of the main tasks of immunity is protection against viruses that can cause serious illnesses such as flu, colds, coronavirus infection and many others. This is why maintaining a healthy immune system is so important to our well-being.

The immune system has its own defense mechanisms that ensure its resistance to various infections. However, if the body is weakened, for example due to a lack of vitamins, poor nutrition or stress, this can cause a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system.

In this regard, it is very important to monitor your health and lifestyle. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, proper rest and elimination of stressful situations - all this helps maintain healthy immunity and helps fight viruses. In addition, there are special drugs and products that help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from infections.

However, we should not forget that antiviral drugs may be unsafe, especially for pregnant women and children. Therefore, before taking any medications, you should definitely consult a specialist.