Immunosuppressive Condition

**Immunosuppressive conditions** are immune disorders in which the cells of the immune system begin to malfunction and attack healthy tissues and organs. Immunodeficiency (deficiency of the body's defenses) is one of the most common causes of immunosuppression. This disorder occurs not only in humans, but also in animals.

As you know, immunity is the ability of our body to protect itself from various pathogenic factors. There are two main types of immunity – innate and acquired. Innate immunity is realized with the help of phagocytes and lymphoid tissue cells. On the other hand, acquired immunity is formed under the influence of the immune complex, which arises as a result of the interaction of antigens and antibodies. The immune system is responsible for destroying life-threatening microbes, i.e. destroying them and ridding the body of harmful substances.

**Why might the immune system be weak?** By

Immunosuppression: what is it? What is the problem?

Immunosuppression is considered to be a disease state that is associated with an impaired immune response. Despite the fact that not everyone agrees with this interpretation of pathology as immunosuppression, since the immunity of a sick person can greatly suffer from such a pathology, it is more considered a complex failure of the body’s defenses. And although the relationship between the work of the immune system and diseases is still questioned, many reputable doctors still consider this pathology to be one of the most common in the modern world. Considering the current epidemiological conditions, when most diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, this problem should be taken seriously. This means carefully studying all aspects of the immunosuppressive state.

Signs of immunosuppression

The main causes of the disease are radiation, ionizing rays, as well as pathogens that cause infectious diseases, drugs and toxins (for example, benzodiazepines and antihistamines). But there are other, less typical factors, such as:

Metabolic disorders. Past severe viral infections. Damages to the body (poisons, insect bites, injuries, frostbite). Excessive psycho-emotional or physical stress. Conducted against