
Immunox: homeopathic immunostimulating remedy from Russia

Immunox is a homeopathic immunostimulating remedy produced in Russia by the company Fitasintex. This drug is used to enhance immunity and prevent various diseases. It combines natural ingredients that help strengthen the body's defenses.

Manufacturer country

Immunox is produced in Russia by the company Fitasintex. This company specializes in creating homeopathic medicines to maintain health and treat various diseases. Fitasintex is one of the leading companies in Russia in the field of homeopathy and has extensive experience in the production of high-quality and effective drugs.

Pharm Group

Immunox belongs to the group of homeopathic immunostimulating agents. Such drugs are used to strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases. Homeopathic medicines include components of natural origin that help the body cope with stress and disease.


Immunox is produced by Fitasintex in Russia. The company has its own production and controls the quality of all stages of production. Thanks to this, Fitasintex preparations are of high quality and effectiveness.

International name

Immunox is the international name of the drug produced by Fitasintex in Russia. It is widely used in various countries and is popular among people who care about their health and immunity.

Immunox is an effective homeopathic medicine that helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body from various diseases. It is produced in Russia by the company Fitasintex, which has extensive experience in creating high-quality and effective homeopathic medicines. If you care about your health and immunity, then Immunox may be an excellent choice for you.