
Currently, the concept of impulsivity has become relevant in various areas of life. Impulsive people can be pushy and disruptive with their behavior to other people in the environment. They may become impatient, lash out at the slightest provocation, and experience angry reactions. However, such behavior can have its roots in a person's character, circumstances, environmental conditions and even illness. If a person constantly exhibits impulsive behavior, then he should turn to professionals to deal with the problem. In this article we will look at what impulsivity is, how it manifests itself in people, and why it may be necessary to turn to specialists.

Impulsivity is a style of managing emotions that is characterized by the presence of a transient flow of force and such behavior of a person when his emotional reaction to what is happening becomes the most important and only reason for his actions. Such a transient emotional outburst can become dominant in the actions of an impulsive individual and direct his impulses in this direction. This problem can occur with various mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder and others. In more serious cases, impulsive people often become involved in illegal activities that land them in jail.

It is important to remember that impulsivity can have various causes. Some people are born with this quality, while other people acquire it due to