Inca Gold

Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - restorative dietary supplement

Manufacturers - Inat-pharma/Kovaks (Russia)
International name - Inca Gold
Composition - The product is made on the basis of raw materials from the turnip-shaped tuber of the perennial herbaceous plant MAKA, containing: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, B12), natural minerals (Fe, P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Co) and alkaloids.
Indications for use - Increased mental and physical fatigue, absent-mindedness, decreased performance, loss of strength, lack of vigor, energy, low mood, weakness, weakness, intolerance to normal stress; lack of vitamins and nutrients during winter and periods with a high risk of viral and respiratory diseases; sexual dysfunction in both men and women; disorders of a sexual nature caused by social and everyday factors.
Contraindications - Individual intolerance to the components.
Side effect - No data.
Interaction - No data available.
Overdose - No data available.
Special instructions - The drug has a specific vitamin smell.
Literature - Advertising brochure of the manufacturing company.