Tumor Growth Inhibition Index

Introduction The tumor growth rate inhibition index is an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of anticancer drugs, which is calculated as the ratio of the average tumor length in the control group to the group that was treated with drugs. This indicator can help doctors assess the extent and duration of anticancer therapy, as well as determine how effectively a particular drug is being used. In this article we will look at how the tumor growth inhibition index is calculated and what factors can influence its values.

Description of the assessment method The Tumor Growth Inhibition Index measures the change in tumor size over time after starting medication. It is calculated by the formula:

Where RGI is the growth inhibition index, is the length of the tumor in the control, and is the length of the tumor for the experimental group.

The index allows you to see the effect of injected drugs on the tumor. The effectiveness of therapy can be judged by the level of growth. When RGI is 0, it indicates that there is no effect

The tumor growth inhibition index is an indicator that is used to evaluate the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. This method is based on comparing the average sizes of tumors in the experimental group in which anticancer drugs were administered and the control group without the drug.


The tumor growth inhibition index is one of the important indicators of the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. This index is an indicator of the effectiveness of antitumor therapy on tumor growth. The tumor growth inhibition index must be taken into account before the question of whether a particular drug can be used in clinical practice can be decided.


In some cases, the tumor may continue to grow even when anticancer drugs have been prescribed. In these cases, the tumor growth inhibition index allows us to determine the effectiveness of the drug. The index is defined as the ratio of the size or weight of the tumor in the control group (where the drug is not used) to the size or weight of the tumor in the group of people who received treatment. Tumor size was assessed using radiography, ultrasound, or other methods. - An encouraging result was the absence of an increase in the group treated with the drug - that is, if after the introduction of the experimental group changes in the tumor increased significantly, then we can assume that the effect was favorable. The tumor growth inhibition measurement index includes post-treatment measurements and pre-treatment control measurements. The most interesting thing about the tumor growth index is that the higher the cancer inhibition index, the smaller the effect of treatment in the test animals. When the inhibition index is high, it indicates that the administered drug has had a significant positive effect. Thus, the inhibition index can help determine which drugs should be used in clinical trials or practical applications. For example, if the early and late stage cancer inhibition indices are poor, the physician may prefer to use other types of anticancer agents to treat the patient. In addition, cancer inhibition index studies can help guide controlled studies of anticancer treatment effects, including drug manufacturing projects of pharmaceutical corporations to evaluate anticancer efficacy.

Tumor Growth Inhibition Index: Measuring the Effectiveness of Anticancer Drugs

In the fight against cancer, one of the key tasks is the development and determination of the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. One of the indicators used to measure the effectiveness of such drugs is the tumor growth inhibition index.

The tumor growth inhibition index is a mathematical indicator calculated as the ratio of the average mass or size of tumors in the control group of animals at the end of the experiment to the average mass or size of tumors in the group of treated animals. This indicator is an important tool for assessing the effectiveness of anticancer drugs and their ability to slow tumor growth.

Before starting a study, scientists usually form two groups of animals: a control group and a group that will be treated with an anticancer drug. Both groups should be comparable and have similar tumor sizes or weights at the start of the experiment.

Over a period of time, animals from both groups are observed and the size or weight of their tumors is regularly measured. At the end of the study, the average weight or size of tumors in the control group and the average weight or size of tumors in the treatment group are calculated. The tumor growth inhibition index is then calculated by dividing the average weight or size of tumors in the control group by the average weight or size of tumors in the treatment group.

The higher the tumor growth inhibition index value, the more effective the antitumor drug is considered. If the index is 1, this means that the drug had no effect on tumor growth, and values ​​less than 1 indicate a positive effect, that is, slowing down tumor growth. Moreover, the tumor growth inhibition index can be used to compare the effectiveness of different anticancer drugs and select the most effective one.

It is important to note that the tumor growth inhibition index is not the only factor taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. It is often used in combination with other indicators such as animal survival, change in tumor volume and other biomarkers. All these factors together make it possible to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of an antitumor drug.

The tumor growth inhibition index has its advantages and limitations. It provides a quantitative measure of the effect of an anticancer drug on tumor growth and can be useful for comparing different drugs. However, it should be noted that this index is based on animal experiments and does not always fully correspond to the results of human studies. Therefore, the results obtained using the tumor growth inhibition index require additional verification in clinical studies.

In conclusion, tumor growth inhibition index is an important indicator of the effectiveness of anticancer drugs. It allows you to evaluate the effect of the drug on tumor growth and compare the effectiveness of different drugs. However, to obtain a more complete picture of the effectiveness of an anticancer drug, it is necessary to take into account other factors, as well as conduct clinical studies in humans. The use of the Tumor Growth Inhibition Index helps researchers and medical professionals make informed decisions in the selection of anticancer therapy and improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment.