Splenic infarction (Latin infarctus lienis, English splenic infarction, Greek περιφερανσ τής σπληκνής, πυρεύμα της κεραίας, Greek πε Gastric conus (gastric conus) is a term used to describe the pathological process associated with infarction (death) of the spleen tissue.
A heart attack can occur for a variety of reasons, including ischemic diseases such as ischemic colitis, hemorrhagic colitis and other diseases in which the blood supply to the spleen is disrupted or its death due to bruising, and symptoms of ischemic colitis may also appear.
Acute pain in the left hypochondrium, occurring acutely in patients, is usually associated with apoplexy of the spleen, chronic colitis or without clear causes. Pain is usually accompanied by a body response: gagging, low blood pressure, high pulse, diarrhea, cold skin, progressive loss of consciousness and vomiting are symptoms of early diagnosis and treatment.