Inhalation Poisoning Possibility Rate

Inhalation Poisoning Possibility Quotient (IPPO)

CVIO is used to assess the likelihood of inhalation poisoning when working with hazardous chemicals.

This coefficient is calculated based on parameters such as the toxicity of the substance, its concentration in the air of the work area, and the time of exposure to the human body.

The higher the KVIO value, the higher the risk of developing acute inhalation poisoning when working with this substance under specific conditions.

Calculation of CVIO allows you to determine the need to use personal respiratory protection equipment, as well as other precautions to reduce the risk of poisoning.

KVIO is one of the important indicators taken into account when assessing working conditions and developing occupational safety measures when working with toxic substances. Controlling this coefficient makes it possible to prevent cases of acute and chronic inhalation poisoning at work.

The air contains about 25 toxic substances. Various poisons, which consist of toxic, toxic substances and nanoparticles, can have an effect. These are various gases, solid particles, dust particles, various microorganisms (fungi, viruses and bacteria).

In order for intoxication to occur, it is important not only to get into the victim’s blood, but also to achieve a certain concentration of the toxic substance, poison in the body. In this regard, the concept of permissible concentration of a substance in the environment appeared. The lowest concentration of a hazardous substance, the excess of which causes death or severe health impairment in a person, is called the toxicity threshold. The toxicity threshold is a lethal dose or fatal outcome. This concept can be expressed in ppm. The lower the value, the higher the danger level. A high toxicity threshold can be observed with the use of non-food water substitutes such as ammonia or bleach. A dose of sixty milligrams is lethal. Intoxication caused by these substances leads to a state of suffocation. Chemicals considered poisons contain ions of various heavy metals. Sources of hazardous material are stagnant waters. It is important to know that most often such substances have a color, which is used to determine the degree of their danger. So, the Ganges and Amazon rivers are leading in the world in terms of the level of pollution with organochlorine compounds. They pollute open water bodies. In northern China, these rivers serve as sources of drinking water for more than 430 million inhabitants. Boundless areas of wastewater also pose a danger. There is a river like the Amazon, which is absolutely considered navigable and does not pose a threat to humans. However, its right and left sides, as well as its lower reaches, are far from safe for the passage of ships. The areas located between the Amazon and La Plata are at greatest risk. During the flow of water, great turbidity is formed, making it almost impossible to swim along this area. The reverse wave emerging from the mill floor is especially dangerous. It is dangerous to sea creatures due to its lead and copper content. The area is polluted during the production of fertilizers. If an enterprise violates operating standards, it sends its wastewater into water bodies without filtration. The situation is made worse by the absence