
Insanity is a mental health condition that makes a person unable to understand and control their actions. An insane person can be recognized as such only after a forensic psychiatric examination, which establishes his mental incapacity.

In our country, the inability to correctly assess reality and make decisions is a serious problem

Insanity: concepts, features and procedures Insanity is a condition in which a person is unable to understand and control his actions due to mental illness or temporary disorder. It may be associated with a violation of a person’s consciousness, thinking, emotions and will. This situation occurs in many mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, etc.

Failure to recognize one's own insanity can have serious consequences for such a person and his environment. For example, if a person commits a crime in a state of insanity, then he may be exempt from criminal liability, but this does not mean that there is no punishment for him. Retribution may consist of forced psychiatric treatment, institutionalization, or other measures of social control.

In order to resolve the issue of a person's insanity, special examinations are required. Forensic psychiatry, which studies the psychopathological relationship between the offender and the crime, is an important tool for such examination. During the examination, it is determined whether mental disorders are the main element of the crime or whether it is caused by other reasons. If the violations are significant enough and affect the personality of the criminal, then we can conclude that he was either simply mistaken and therefore unable to

Insanity is the inability to understand one’s actions and control them due to mental illness or temporary mental disorder.

A citizen is declared insane by a court decision, and not on the basis of a medical report. Only a psychiatrist can confirm or refute the state of insanity, and the judge is interested in the reasons for such states. He determines them based on the conclusions of psychiatrists and medical examinations.