
Instinct is a complex pattern of behavior inherent in an individual, usually from birth, and observed in all representatives of the same species. This behavior manifests itself and changes under the influence of environmental stimuli, but its basis remains relatively unchanged and predetermined.

Instinct is also an innate force that compels an individual to move towards a certain goal. For example, in psychoanalysis, libido is considered one of the basic instincts that encourages certain behavior.

Thus, instinct is both an innate complex of behavior and an internal motivating force, which together ensure the survival and adaptability of organisms. Instincts play an important role in the behavior of animals and humans.

**Instinctive Behavior** One of the fundamental problems that biology solves is defining what instinct is. This is a complex behavior that is always visible immediately when it occurs, even without any stimuli. Almost every baby moves with purpose. He either finds his way in life by mastering skills for self-sufficiency, or, conversely, is driven by innate impulses to create a certain sense of being in the world, depending on the environment. All animals are based on such instincts. Certain life needs lead, among other things, to the establishment of a certain pattern of action, which is called an instinctive or innate process. Any human being, without any prior training, takes the instinctive actions described above. It automatically implements precise and frequently repeated and repeatedly tested actions to achieve its main task - survival and procreation. Instinct drives many potential qualities and qualities in other people that can be good, as well as qualities that make us look at life as a kind of disorder, completely disturbing our well-being and contradicting many ways of living. This forces us to adjust the course of our lives in various ways, and some adapt to such actions so easily and naturally that they think they were born with this readiness. Even if life is a big influence, instincts still exist for other reasons. They make many people more able to plan long-term goals, maintain a sense of direction and maintain their personal life path.

Instincts are a complex pattern of behavior inherent in a person from birth. The basis of instinct is unchanged, it is formed long before birth, and has a great influence on a person’s life. Human instinct, in addition to its unconscious presence, is capable of influencing the psychophysical development of the individual. Instinct is characterized by complexity, changeability, and frequent occurrences that are not as commonly thought. And this makes a person look at the world around him differently than someone who took everything on faith, but only what adults teach and advise. Therefore, instinct, despite its great unpredictability, remains one of the main guidelines for every person’s life, because it is a guarantee of the safety and correctness of the world around us.

Instincts are one of the most mysterious terms used in scientific circles. However, what is instinct from the point of view of biology and sociology? The answer to this question will be of interest to a wide range of readers. In this article we will look at various definitions of instincts, how they were formed and what principles underlie them.

***Instinct is a complex pattern of behavior.*** This is a phenomenon that is inherent in the individual and is observed in all representatives of this species. The instinct manifests itself and