Interference therapy

Interference therapy is a therapeutic method that involves exposing the body to an electric field created by a high-frequency sinusoidal current source. The use of interference therapy is based on the use of the interference effect - a phenomenon when two or more waves are superimposed on each other and in a certain area of ​​​​space either a weakening or strengthening of the resulting vibrations occurs. This creates a so-called standing wave, to which not only the electric field of the body cells reacts, but also the tissue that excites it. The therapeutic effect is achieved by applying an electric field to various organs and tissues of the body, which can lead to an improvement in their functions and an increase in the overall level of health.

The use of interference therapy can vary and depends on many factors such as the disease, diagnosis, patient's condition, etc. However, in general, interference therapy can be used to treat a wide range of diseases.

Here are some of the ways interference therapy can be used for various diseases:

1. Interpretation has been identified as the most effective treatment for neurogenic peripheral limb muscle dysfunction. This method is performed by applying an electric charge to the points