Intestinal obstruction Mechanical

Intestinal obstruction (IOB) is the complete or partial impermeability of the intestine to its contents due to a mechanical obstruction. It is worth noting that INK is one of the complications and consequences of surgical interventions or intestinal diseases and almost always occurs as a complication of other conditions. Most common reasons

Unwelcoming. A very unpleasant pathology of intestinal obstruction occurs due to a disruption in the movement of the contents of the stomach and intestines through its walls. This happens due to a mechanical obstacle to the movement of digestive masses. Some factors may influence, for example, disruption of the motility of the esophagus, ingestion of sharp foreign objects, or the ingestion of toxic substances into the stomach. Another cause is narrowing of the intestine by a foreign body, spasm and peritonitis, or abdominal disorders in severe diseases. Obstruction occurs frequently in surgery, and it is important to diagnose and treat the cause.