Involution Sexual

Sexual involution (or involution of sexual function) is the process of decreasing sexual activity in an adult. It can occur gradually or quickly and lead to decreased desire and pleasure from sexual activity, as well as possible problems with erections or orgasm.

Sexual involution is a natural process of aging of the body and is associated with changes in hormonal levels and physiological processes. However, it can occur not only in older people, but also in young people as a result of stressful situations, illnesses, taking certain medications and other factors.

A decrease in sexual activity can have a negative impact on a person's quality of life, as well as on their psychological well-being. However, there are ways that can help maintain or increase sexual activity at any age.

An important factor is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, giving up bad habits and controlling weight. You can also seek advice from specialists and take appropriate measures if problems with sexual function have already arisen.

In conclusion, sexual involution is a natural process of aging of the body, which can affect the quality of life and psychological state of a person. However, there are ways that can help maintain or increase sexual activity at any age. It is important to monitor your health and seek help from specialists if necessary.