
Yodokam: Russian dietary supplements enriched with iodine

Yodocam is a series of nutritional supplements developed and produced in Russia by the Kamelia NPP company. They belong to the category of dietary supplements (BAA) and are products containing iodine.

Yodocam is produced in Russia and is intended to be used as a dietary support to meet the body's iodine needs. Iodine is an essential trace element necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, energy and many other processes in the body.

The country of origin of Yodokama is Russia. This means that the production and quality control of Yodokam are carried out in accordance with Russian standards and regulations, guaranteeing high quality and safety of the product.

Yodocam belongs to the pharmaceutical group of dietary supplements containing iodine. Dietary supplements are products that are intended to supplement the diet and provide the body with certain beneficial substances. In the case of Yodocam, the main active ingredient is iodine, which is added to the product in a form that is easily absorbed by the body.

The Kamelia NPP company is a manufacturer of Yodokam. It specializes in the development and production of dietary supplements enriched with beneficial substances such as vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances. Camellia NPP strives to offer consumers quality products that can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The international name yodokam also remains yodokam. This indicates that the product was originally developed and manufactured in Russia, but may be available outside the country.

Yodocam is one of the examples of dietary supplements containing iodine produced in Russia. It offers consumers the opportunity to supplement their diet with iodine, thereby supporting normal thyroid function and overall health. But before you start using iodocam or any other supplements, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or nutritionist to ensure that they meet your individual needs and will not cause unwanted side effects.