Ionic galvanization

**Ionogalvanization** is a process in which electrical current is used to transport ions across interfaces between two media or across electrode surfaces. This method is widely used in electrochemical and biochemical research, as well as in industry for the production of various materials and devices. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of ion galvanization and its applications in various fields.

**Physical basis of ion galvanization** - EMF of ion concentration: Ions capable of

Ionogalvanization is the process of interaction between a substance and an electrolyte that occurs when they are separated by a porous material or membrane. This interaction has important applications in biology, medicine and industry. In this article, we will look at the process of ion galvanization, its importance and applications in various fields.

Ionogalvanization process Ionogalvanization is a method of galvanization in which an electrical charge on an iron substance is transferred through a porous material with an alternating electric current. The essence of the method is based on the property of substances with different charges to dry at the interface between two media. Iron, made as an anode (negative electrode), forms negative pairs of Fe3+ ions, and the electrolyte, made as a cathode (positive electrode), forms positive Fe2+ pairs.

Since the electrolyte concentration at the cathode is significantly less than at the anode, diffusion of cations begins only in the first seconds of galvanization