
Irritability (in psychology) is a property of certain types of tissue that allows them to react in a specific way to external stimuli. Irritability is inherent in nerve cells, which, in response to incoming stimulation, can generate and transmit electrical impulses, as well as muscle cells, which contract when exposed to nerve impulses.

Irritability is the property of certain types of tissues that allows them to respond to external influences. In particular, irritability is inherent in nervous tissue, which in response to stimulation can generate and transmit electrical impulses, as well as muscle tissue, which contracts when exposed to nerve impulses.

In the human body, many tissues and organs are irritable. For example, when receptors are irritated by nervous tissue, they generate nerve impulses that are transmitted along nerve fibers to the brain. This allows us to feel pain, temperature, pressure and other sensations. The cardiovascular system, which reacts to changes in the blood and other body fluids, is also irritable.

Irritability is an important property of the nervous system, which ensures its functioning and regulation of all processes in the body. However, if irritability becomes too strong or prolonged, it can lead to the development of various diseases and disorders. For example, increased sensitivity of receptors to external irritants can cause allergic reactions, as well as neurological diseases such as migraines and back pain.

In order to reduce irritability and improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It is also important to monitor your emotional state and avoid stressful situations. If irritability becomes a constant problem, then you need to consult a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.


Irritability (English: Irritability) is a psychological concept that describes the property of some tissues of the body, allowing them to specifically respond to external irritations. In particular, irritability relates to nerve and muscle tissues. Irritability can manifest itself in a variety of ways depending on the type of tissue and type of irritant. For example, nerve cells can generate electrical impulses in response to stimulation, and muscle cells can contract