Kidney wasting

Sometimes it happens that the kidneys become thin and thin and there is little fat in them, which often even completely disappears due to a disorder of nature, frequent copulation and excessive emptying. Signs of this are a decrease in passion for copulation, whiteness of urine, its abundance, weakness of the spine and slight pain in it; sometimes the body loses weight.

Treatment. It helps to eat nut kernels with sugar, for example, almond kernels, coconut cores, hazelnut and pistachio kernels, poppy seeds, chickpeas, beans, beans, as well as fats, for example, chicken and goose fat, goat kidney fat and hot bread with fat. To all this are mixed diuretic drugs and strengthening spices, so that the diuretics carry out the spices, and the spices set the natural force in motion. Sometimes, for example, lacquer and drugs that are fatty and sticky are mixed into this in order to strengthen the substance of the meat. It is useful for such patients to drink cow's milk or boiled milk, diluting it by one third or one quarter with taranjubin. If you chop up a bud, boil it, season it and add fattening and strengthening spices and seeds, it brings benefits. Such patients are helped by enemas prepared from a decoction of the meat of lambs, chickens, or sheep's heads with fragrant oils, oils from the mentioned kernels of nuts and, especially, with fat tail fat. If you put fatty kidneys and the like, it will be useful.

Enema: the head of a fat lamb is placed in a cauldron, filled with one and a half cups of water, the cauldron is coated with clay and left in the oven for one day, until the meat is separated from the bones and the bones themselves almost disintegrate; Ghee of cow butter, jasmine oil and a little squeezed leek juice are added to the decoction. If you cook eggplant, tribulus, mugas, fenugreek, crushed poppy seeds and a little onion with this, it will be even better. When extreme warming is required, castor oil, bush oil and, to balance the nature of the medicine, safflower oil are added. Enemas with hot, freshly milked milk are also very useful; if it needs to be heated a little over the fire, then this is done. In the Pharmacopoeia we also mention other enemas, as well as medicinal porridges made from nut kernels.