Isolation of Infectious Patients

Isolating Infectious Patients: How It Works

Infectious diseases such as influenza, measles, whooping cough, cholera and many others can quickly spread through the population if the necessary measures are not taken. One of these measures is the isolation of infectious patients. In this article we will look at what Isolation of Infectious Patients (I.I.P.) is, how it works and what measures are taken to ensure it.

What is Isolation of Infectious Patients?

Isolation of Infectious Patients (IPI) is a process in which infectious patients are placed in separate rooms or special departments of hospitals to prevent the spread of infection among healthy people. I. and. b. is the most complete measure against the spread of infectious diseases, as it allows you to isolate patients from the rest of the population and provide them with professional medical care.

When is isolation of Infectious Patients required?

I. and. b. required for most infectious diseases that can spread from sick to healthy people. For example, patients with plague, cholera, smallpox and other dangerous infectious diseases are hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals for I. and. b. and treatment. In some cases, when hospitalization is impossible, patients are temporarily placed in isolation wards at child care institutions, hostels, train stations, etc.

In addition, persons who have come into contact with patients with plague, cholera and smallpox, as well as materials and objects contaminated with pathogens of these diseases, are isolated from healthy people for the maximum duration of the incubation period. For healthy people who have interacted with patients with less dangerous infections, medical supervision is established, including questioning, examination, thermometry and other measures.

How does isolation of Infectious Patients work?

Isolation of Infectious Patients is a complex measure that includes various precautions aimed at preventing the spread of infection. Doctors and nurses working in the departments of I. and. b. must ensure compliance with all precautions, including the use of protective clothing, regular disinfection of premises and equipment, and adherence to personal hygiene rules.

Patients who are in the departments of I. and. b., are usually placed in separate rooms, which are equipped with special ventilation and air filtration systems to prevent the spread of infection through the air. The department staff provides patients with the necessary medical procedures and treatment, and also teaches them the rules of personal hygiene and precautions.

In addition, when treating patients with diseases that do not require hospitalization at home, doctors also recommend a number of precautions, for example, isolating the patient in a separate room, disinfecting, proper care, adherence to the regime, etc. It is important to understand that isolating patients is necessary not only for their own health, but also to prevent the spread of infection to other people.


Isolation of Infectious Patients is an important measure against the spread of infectious diseases. It allows you to isolate sick people from healthy people and provide them with the necessary medical treatment. In addition, isolating patients is a necessary measure to prevent the spread of infection among healthy people and contributes to more effective control of epidemics. It is important to follow all precautions and doctors' recommendations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.