Zuckerkandl meander

Zuckerkandl's gyrus (on behalf of Gerhard Zuckerkandl) is a paired arcuate projection of the cerebral hemispheres, located between the paracentral lobe and the upper edge of the lateral fissure of the frontal lobe at the level of the cerebral peduncles: present in representatives of all divisions of the class of mammals (excluding the platypus), but absent in platypuses and whales. Synonyms: paraterminal gyrus or gyrus of Ibel or Moesmer. In Russian, this gyrus is also sometimes called the cheek gyrus (in English-language sources it is called “cheek bulb”). In humans, the gyrus is located on the third lumbar vertebra. Has a similar name in other languages: Lat. gyri profundi, gyri paramesialis, humernae sulcus brevis.

Gyrus comes from the capital letter of the Latin word vomer in its name: its Latin term includes -bula (“bul