Jaundice Syphilitic

Jaundice is a general name for various diseases that can cause yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Jaundice often affects children and the elderly. The insidiousness of the disease is that it can occur unnoticed by the patient and the doctor. The presence of metallic color on the skin does not mean anything bad. If a person does not seek medical help at the initial stage of development, the disease progresses, and jaundice can no longer be completely cured. Recovery very rarely occurs. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the first signs of jaundice. Jaundice can be caused by various reasons, for example, liver dysfunction, poisoning with toxic substances, infectious diseases, injuries, malignant tumors and many other factors. This disease almost always occurs unexpectedly and requires immediate treatment.

Jaundice is a large group of pathologies with similar symptoms. A specific change in the color of mucous membranes and skin as a result of a high content of bilirubin pigment in the blood. This pigment normally leaves the body through the excretory system, but if it stops working, bilirubin accumulates in the tissues. Not only the skin, but also soft tissues, sclera of the eyes, gums, and nails become jaundiced. Enlargement of the liver and spleen is often observed. There are acute and chronic forms of jaundice; the disease is divided into several types depending on the cause. Jaundice is a serious disease that, without proper treatment, ends in a tragic outcome.

Syphilitic lesions develop much longer than usual erysipelas and usually clearly correspond to the site of penetration of the pathogen. Syphilis primarily affects the skin. One of the first places affected by this disease is the genital area. First, spotted leucoderma appears, which after a while begins to itch. Erosion appears against the background of severe itching. The inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged. In the absence of treatment, the liver enlarges at first asymptomatically and then very painfully. Its edge protrudes sharply on the surface of the body, and a gray coating stands out on the abdominal wall. The skin turns yellow, becoming first mottled and then glossy. It peels off, the wounds become wet until ulcers form. Syphilis is one of the most dangerous infectious pathologies. May lead to death.