
Lumbar (lat. lumbaris) is an adjective denoting relation to the lower back.

The lower back (lat. lumbus) is the section of the spine between the thoracic and sacral sections. Corresponds to the lumbar curve of the spine. Consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae.

The term "lumbar" is used to refer to the anatomical structures located in the lumbar region:

  1. Lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales) - 5 vertebrae of the lumbar spine.

  2. Psoas muscles (musculi lumbales) are back muscles located in the lumbar region.

  3. Lumbar thickening (intumescentia lumbalis) - thickening of the spinal cord at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.

  4. Lumbar nerves (nervi lumbales) are branches of the spinal nerves at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.

  5. Lumbar puncture (punctio lumbalis) - puncture of the lumbar sac to collect cerebrospinal fluid.

Thus, the term "lumbar" is used in anatomical terminology to refer to structures related to the lumbar region.

Belt pain is common and can occur for many reasons. However, sometimes the causes of pain can be quite serious, in which case you should consult a specialist. Lower back pain can be caused by various diseases: osteochondrosis, disc herniation, protrusion, arthritis