Ypamiro 300

Ypamiro 300: X-ray contrast agent from Italy

Ypamir 300 is a radiopaque contrast agent produced by the Italian company Bracco. It is an injection solution that is used for X-ray examinations.

The international name yopamidol, as well as the synonyms yopamiro, ypamiro 200 and ypamiro 370, refer to the same drug, but with different concentrations of the active substance. Ypamir 300 contains 647 mg of iopamidol per 1 ml of solution.

Iopamidol belongs to a group of radiocontrast agents that are used to improve the quality of X-ray examinations of various organs and systems of the human body. These drugs are highly dense, which allows them to appear on X-rays.

The use of Ypamiro 300 allows you to obtain clear and clear images of the abdominal organs, urinary system, soft tissues, joints and bones. The solution is injected intravenously before an x-ray examination, usually at a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of patient body weight.

Like any other medical drug, Ypamir 300 has its contraindications and side effects. For example, the drug is not recommended for use in the presence of allergic reactions to iodine, as well as in acute kidney damage. In addition, after injection of Ypamir 300, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, allergic reactions and others may occur.

However, when used correctly and under the supervision of an experienced practitioner, Ypamir 300 is an effective and widely used radiocontrast agent. It helps to obtain more accurate and high-quality images during X-ray examinations, which allows you to diagnose many diseases and prescribe appropriate treatment.