Gamma Therapy Room

The Gamma Therapy Room is a special room in the radiology department of the hospital where gamma therapy sessions are performed. Gamma therapy is a treatment that uses gamma rays to target tumors and other diseases associated with radiation exposure. The Gamma Therapy room is equipped with special equipment that allows you to accurately control the radiation dose and ensure patient safety.

The Gamma Therapy room has a radiation protection system, which includes protective screens, filters and other means that prevent radiation from reaching surrounding people and personnel. In addition, special sensors are also installed in the office that monitor radiation levels and warn if permissible values ​​are exceeded.

The gamma therapy procedure is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel. The patient lies down on a special couch, which is located in the center of the office. The radiologist sets up the device and begins a gamma therapy session, which lasts several minutes. During the session, the patient may feel a slight warmth or tingling sensation in the area being treated. After completing the session, the patient must remain in the room for a few more minutes to ensure that the radiation level in the room decreases to a safe level.

Gamma therapy is an effective treatment for many diseases associated with tumors and other cancers. However, like any other treatment, it has its risks and side effects. Therefore, before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor and undergo all necessary examinations.

The gamma therapy room is an important element of the radiology department, where gamma therapy using high-energy ionizing radiation is performed. In this article we will look at what gamma therapy is and how it is carried out in a gamma therapy room.

Gamma therapy is a method of treating diseases caused by radioactive radiation. Unlike X-rays used in radiography, gamma rays have greater penetrating power and energy, allowing treatment to be carried out even at deeper layers of tissue. To conduct gamma therapy in a clinic, it is necessary to take special courses on radiation safety, since exposure to radiation can be hazardous to health