Cachexia Cardiac

Cardiac cachexia is a serious pathology that is irreversible. As a result of its development, the functioning of the hemostatic system is disrupted, processes in the blood are destabilized, and viscosity increases and the speed of blood flow slows down. Medical science identifies several types of this disease:

- Anemic - develops when hemoglobin decreases to less than 70 g/l; - Arterial - most often manifests itself when there is an increase in platelets in the blood; - Tissue - characteristic of coagulation disorders. In patients, red blood cells and reticulocytes are also greatly elevated.

With this disease, vital organs suffer more than others from a lack of oxygen (lung tissue and brain), this affects a person’s cognitive abilities. The main symptoms of cardiac cachexia are:

Apnea; Vascular hypokinesis; Acrocyanosis; Allergic type dermatitis;