How to use salicylic acid on the face

In order for the skin to have a healthy appearance and even tone, cosmetologists use salicylic acid. With its help you can remove acne, age spots and other problems. It helps fight freckles and age-related changes. The drug is indicated for people with oily skin. This product is capable of giving the maximum expected result in a short period of time. After just a few treatments, the skin becomes smoother and tighter. You can make masks and lotions with this medication at home. But is everything so simple and safe?

How to use salicylic acid

There are some rules of conduct with this drug. Everyone needs to adhere to them in order to avoid unpleasant moments. The main rule is proper storage of the drug and its use. It is worth saving the medicine away from children, and after opening the bottle, it is advisable to throw away the medicine that has not been used for a month.

Apply the product only to a cotton swab. Forget about cotton pads, pieces of bandages, etc. If you apply with a cotton pad, you get a lot of acid and there is a risk of getting burned. Using a cotton swab will allow you to apply the product evenly over the entire skin.

This is not difficult to do. Take a cotton swab, soak it in salicylic acid and smear it on your face. This requires a small amount of the drug.

Wipe your face with 2% salicylic acid only at night, and under no circumstances allow it to come into contact with your eyes. It contains alcohol, which can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the eye. Some women ask the question, is it possible to wipe their face with salicylic acid? It is possible if your skin is oily. As for dry skin, salicylic acid is contraindicated here.

If your skin is dry and prone to allergic reactions, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

You should not use the drug in the cold season. After applying the product to your face, it is advisable not to go out in the sun, as pigment spots may appear.

Salicylic acid is an old proven remedy. You can still buy it in pharmacies without any problems. But this drug must be used precisely. It can be in the form of a solution of 1%, 2%, in the form of ointments, etc.

Salicylic acid itself appears as a white powder. In the classification of cosmetics, this drug belongs to hydroxy acids, or as they are also called fruit acids. The most famous of them are alpha hydroxy acids - alpha lactic acid and glycol. All fruit acids weaken the connection between the horny scales of the skin and facilitate their separation. Thus, a peeling effect is achieved.

Many people cannot understand whether it is possible to wipe their face with salicylic acid, or they understand, but are afraid, and if they are afraid, it means they do not fully have all the information about the properties of the drug and its side effects.

What are the benefits of salicylic acid for the skin?

Thanks to its properties, the drug makes the surface of the skin more acidic, thereby preventing the development of pathogenic bacteria. If your skin is oily and you have acne, then to the question - is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid - the answer is definitely positive.

It has the unique ability to soften comedones. Fatty blackheads that clog pores and make them wide and unsightly are softened by salicylic acid. It makes them soft and promotes the release of sebum; moreover, it accumulates in the sebaceous glands. As the drug accumulates, the tissues produce less and less sebum over time, and the facial skin becomes less oily. This is a unique ability that is used in the fight against acne and oily skin.

Salicylic acid also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. As an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of various natures, it has a weak effect. But as far as the skin is concerned, it works excellently.

How to use salicylic acid for skin

This drug is used for external use only. It is very popular not only in medical practice, but also in everyday life. With its help, you can exfoliate, get rid of age-related skin changes, and give your face a more beautiful appearance.

Peeling with salicylic acid

You can carry out deep and effective facial cleansing for your skin at home, but to do this you need to know which salicylic acid can be used to wipe your face. To do this, you can consult a doctor or cosmetologist. Preparation is required for peeling, this will increase the effect of salicylic acid.

  1. You should not go to swimming pools or saunas a few days before peeling;
  2. solarium, tanning under the sun is contraindicated during this period;
  3. do not use scrubs, it is better to use pre-peeling programs.

Salicylic peeling

The peeling process itself is simple. After removing makeup, degrease and soften the skin. Apply a thin layer of salicylic acid and feel a burning sensation and a slight tingling sensation. If the sensations are tolerable, then everything is fine. But if there is a feeling of severe burning or pain, then you should immediately rinse off the product with warm water. There may be intolerance to the drug.

Since this is still a medical drug, there are some side effects:

  1. Allergic dermatitis.
  2. Headache.
  3. Feeling hot.
  4. The skin begins to ache in the areas where the acid was rubbed.

Basically, no negative manifestations are observed. If you have such sensations, it is better to consult a doctor and discontinue this remedy. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Do not use salicylic acid as a breast antiseptic.

Proper Use

This medication contains alcohol, which can dry out the skin. Therefore, it should be used with caution and correctly. Here are some tips for those who don't know how to wipe their face with salicylic acid for acne.

  1. Before wiping your face with this drug, you need to remove your makeup. Lotions and tonics will help with this. You can use micellar water. After this, you need to wash your face with warm water.
  2. Use a towel to dry the skin.
  3. Take a cotton swab and soak it in salicylic acid. The stick should not drip.
  4. If you are using the drug to fight acne, then apply a moistened stick to the affected areas of the skin.
  5. If there are a lot of acne, use a 1% solution to wipe the problem areas.
  6. If during use there is a feeling of discomfort on the skin (burning, tingling), it is necessary to rinse off the product with warm water.

You can also use salicylic ointments to combat acne. They are applied only to areas where there is acne; healthy skin should not be lubricated. A 2% ointment is used. After applying the ointment, apply a bandage to the pimple for 2-3 minutes. Such procedures should be carried out from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Expert opinion

We can definitely say that salicylic acid helps the skin look more beautiful and healthy. Many women are satisfied with its action. As for the opinion of doctors, here too salicylic acid receives a positive review. Its main advantage is its accessibility to almost everyone and the expected result after its use.

This remedy really works and solves problems for those people who have:

  1. black dots;
  2. oily skin;
  3. age acne;
  4. warts, etc.

Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid? Reviews indicate increased interest among women in this issue. In this case there are more positive comments. Naturally, incorrect application, use, or choice of percentage of a drug can lead to a negative review. If anyone is interested in what kind of salicylic acid can be used to wipe the face, then you need to know that a 1% solution is used. If you do everything correctly, a positive effect will give a positive result. After all, salicylic acid can give the skin a beautiful and healthy look. It can also be used to combat acne, wrinkles, and oily skin.

Acid for face

The use of salicylic acid is permitted if:

  1. oily skin;
  2. have acne;
  3. no contraindications.

The mechanism of action of this drug is that it dries, kills bacteria and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. But this does not mean that you can use this medicine without special rules and abuse it. It is advisable to start cleansing your face with a 1% solution. It is acceptable to use the drug twice a day. Once the salicylic acid builds up - usually a couple of days - the results will be visible. It is also worth remembering that prolonged use of acid leads to addiction in the body. Then you need to take a break and then start again.


Every woman wants to be beautiful and have beautiful skin. Not much is required to maintain beauty. Do not forget that everything a person eats is reflected in the condition of the skin of the face. The skin serves as a kind of indicator of the proper functioning of the whole organism. If there are malfunctions in the body, it is noticeable to the naked eye. Therefore, a balanced and proper diet will not only strengthen your immunity, but also preserve the beauty of your skin. Constant stress, poor lifestyle, and the environment test our body’s strength, and everything is reflected primarily in the condition of our skin. Abuse of sweets, flour products, and bad habits will cause your skin to look unhealthy. But walks in the fresh air, an active and healthy lifestyle will help you maintain youth and beauty for a long time.

To obtain an even skin tone, salicylic acid is often used in cosmetology. It helps get rid of acne, age spots and other similar problems. The composition of this product has the necessary properties to achieve the expected effect in a short period of time. You can use it to prepare homemade lotions and masks.

What are the benefits of salicylic acid for the skin?

After the first solution of this drug was obtained in the 19th century, its properties did not change. It did not immediately find its application in cosmetology, so it was originally:

  1. keratolytic;
  2. strong antiseptic;
  3. irritant.

Salicylic acid is an antibacterial, antimicrobial drug that can be used as an external disinfectant. This medication is used to treat wounds, treat dermatological diseases, and cosmetic defects. The solution is able to penetrate deep into the pores of the skin and stimulate blood circulation. The keratolytic properties of the drug include an exfoliation effect, which manifests itself due to the drying of the upper skin layers. The medication has the following cosmetic effects:

  1. hides acne spots;
  2. regulates sebum secretion;
  3. whitens and dries the face;
  4. discolors blackheads;
  5. kills germs that cause acne and pimples.

Salicylic acid is part of many anti-inflammatory and antibacterial products that are produced to solve problems with facial skin. The main task of this element is to disinfect the surface of the fabric, penetrate deep into and destroy bacteria. It should be borne in mind that not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms die. The skin dries out and sebum production is reduced. Already formed pimples are disinfected and come out through the ducts.

Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid?

This product has proven itself well in the field of cosmetology, but there are a number of reasons why salicylic acid for the face is not the best choice. Consider the following contraindications to the use of the drug:

  1. The solution should not be used by people with sensitive, dry skin. As a rule, this type is more often attacked by bacteria, but due to the nature of the effect of the product, the situation may worsen.
  2. There is no need to use the product in winter, when the skin becomes thinner and dry out under the influence of air and cold. This is especially true for people with severe acne.
  3. After applying the medication, do not stay in the sun. This can cause the appearance of age spots.

It is not recommended to smear the face with salicylic acid if you have an individual intolerance to the components or an allergic reaction to them. If these contraindications are excluded, the use of the drug is recommended under the following conditions:

  1. oily facial skin with multiple, single pimples, enlarged pores, blackheads;
  2. combination skin type with multiple comedones and acne;
  3. for single age spots, acne and dry skin.

How to wipe your face

The facial cleansing procedure has certain requirements that must be followed before and after the procedure. The product is included in various ointments, lotions, creams. The procedure of applying a peeling mask has become widespread. After it is carried out, you should not allow your skin to be exposed to direct sunlight, sunbathe or walk for a long time in the sun. Instructions for use:

  1. The area of ​​the face that will be treated must be cleansed with special milk.
  2. To open your pores, take a steam bath, then wash your face with hot water.
  3. Remove dirt with a degreasing solution, which will also have an antiseptic effect.
  4. Apply a thin layer of salicylic acid solution or paste to your face. When the product begins to act, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. If you notice that the skin begins to become very red, remove the solution immediately, otherwise you may get burned.
  5. Rinse off the mask with cold water, this will help tighten the pores.

Does salicylic acid help with age spots on the face?

In beauty salons, this product is often used to whiten skin, but you can achieve the same effect at home yourself. One of the uses of salicylic acid for the face is the removal of age spots. Positive aspects of the drug:

  1. Does not have an aggressive effect on the skin, peeling and redness rarely occur. This reaction occurs only in those with thin skin.
  2. The pores are well cleaned and disinfected thanks to the bactericidal effect.
  3. The color is evened out without damaging facial tissues.

It is recommended to use a 15% solution; the desired effect is obtained after the 3rd procedure. You can try doubling the concentration, which will speed up the manifestation of the result. Use salicylic acid as follows:

  1. The medication must be applied directly to the pigment spot.
  2. Keep the product for 5-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with cold water.
  4. Carry out this procedure twice a day. The duration of the course is 15 days.

Watch a detailed review and find out how to choose a cream against age spots on the face.

Acne treatment

Many girls use salicylic acid to combat acne on their face. It is recommended to start treatment with a 3% solution in order to monitor the reaction to the medication and avoid burns. If no side effects are observed, you can switch to a 10% product. To soften the effect of acid, protect against irritation, peeling, you should smear your face with moisturizer and tonic after the procedure. Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. If single inflammations occur, the acid should be applied pointwise. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and apply it to the pimples. This will help avoid unnecessary irritation.
  2. To treat a large area, you should use a mask, lotion or compress. Apply the medication to the entire face without rubbing.
  3. You need to wash everything off with cold water.
  4. Acid should not be applied more than 3 times per knock. Treatment usually lasts a week. Then you need to take at least a 7-day break.


More often, the medicine is used as part of masks and lotions in order to achieve maximum effect when interacting with other ingredients. You can prepare such a remedy yourself. All the necessary components are easy to find at the pharmacy and are low cost. Here are some examples of preparing such products:

  1. You will need 130 ml of chamomile decoction, 2 ml of grape oil and 5 ml of salicylic liquid.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the cooled, strained chamomile decoction and mix well.
  3. For convenience, pour the entire composition into a bottle with a spray or dispenser.
  4. Apply the lotion to a cotton pad and wipe the surface of your face with it several times a day.
  5. If there are only a few spots or areas of inflammation, then it is better to apply a compress to these places.
  1. To create an anti-inflammatory lotion, you need to take half a glass of salicylic alcohol.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of dried calendula flowers into it.
  3. Let it brew for a day, then strain through gauze.
  4. If necessary, stir the product with clean water in the following ratio: 1 spoon of lotion per 1 glass of liquid.
  5. Use as a facial toner.
  1. This recipe is better for sensitive skin. You need to buy 5 tablets of chloramphenicol at the pharmacy; they must be crushed into powder.
  2. Mix it with boric alcohol, sulfur and salicylic acid. You need 1 teaspoon of each ingredient.
  3. Add a glass of 70% alcohol and stir thoroughly.
  4. Shake the product before use.
  5. Apply drop by drop to affected areas of skin.

Recipes for facial products with salicylic acid

You can prepare not only lotions at home, but also creams. For example, they are able to provide optimal skin care, narrow pores in the T-zone, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Many of the properties of the product depend on the ingredients. Here are a few good recipes for those who want to cleanse their face with salicylic acid:

  1. To prepare, you need to have 5 g of beeswax, 1 ml of phenolic solution, 10 ml of rice oil.
  2. Melt the wax, stirring it constantly. Add the cereal oil, then beat everything well with a blender.
  3. Add salicylic liquid to the mixture and mix again.
  4. Pour the cream into a convenient jar. Apply a thin layer every day without rubbing after cleansing.
  1. To prepare the mask you need badyaga, cosmetic clay. Mix them in equal proportions.
  2. Add just enough warm water to the mixture to make a paste. Pour in a few drops of salicylic acid.
  3. Apply a thin layer of the mask without rubbing onto your face. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Should be used no more than once a week.



Valeria, 25 years old Salicylic acid for the face works great for acne. I use a 1% solution and that's enough for me. The price of the product in pharmacies is low, but the results are excellent. The most profitable option to get the desired effect “cheap and cheerful”. I do not recommend using a pure solution of more than 1% so as not to burn the skin.

Ekaterina, 23 years old Sometimes I use salicylic alcohol to dry the skin. My dermatologist immediately warned me that I shouldn’t use the product often, because it could lead to more active work of the sebaceous glands and the skin would become even oilier. I often use it to get rid of small pimples: they quickly dry out and come out through the pores.

Dmitry, 28 years old For a long time I could not get rid of subcutaneous pimples on my forehead; anti-acne washes and creams did not help at all. I decided to try salicylic acid and already on the 4th day of use I noticed a significant improvement in my condition. The acne came to the surface and soon disappeared. I used a 3% solution to quickly deal with the problem.

Various medications are used to treat problem skin, but various acids have been and remain the most effective. We suggest considering how salicylic acid is used for the face, its properties, principle of action and recipes using this product.

How does salicylic acid work?

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy compound that is known for its antibacterial properties. Many dermatologists claim that salicylic acid acts much faster and deeper than advertised AHA peels, and it is much cheaper. It contains aspirin, urea, sulfur - all very active and potent components, so be careful when using recipes.

Such acid in ointment is especially dangerous; girls apply it all over their face without fear, but in vain. Of course, such cleansing even slightly rejuvenates the epidermis, but it dries it greatly, forces it to produce more collagen, and over time you may begin to notice very problematic areas on the face, which alternate between dry and sensitive, prone to peeling.

Photo - Wiping the face

The principle of action of salicylic acid is simple: it contains substances that destroy all pathogenic bacteria in its path, while providing the skin with immunity. Peeling with this medication can be quite strong; it penetrates into the middle layers of the epidermis, eliminating problems such as acne, pimples, blackheads and comedones.

But, as with all acids, you need to be careful with salicylic acid, it has certain contraindications:

  1. This medicine should not be used by people prone to allergies, in particular to aspirin or vitamin C;
  2. Diabetes is a categorical contraindication;
  3. It is not recommended to use this peeling for girls with eczema, psoriasis or lichen, both in the chronic and active stages;
  4. We do not recommend testing the effect of acid for those with hypersensitive skin.

Video: teenage skin care using salicylic acid

Applications of salicylic acid

The easiest way is to wipe your face with salicylic acid. It is very important to be prepared for the appearance of peeling on your nose and cheeks. Before starting treatment, you need to cleanse your face of makeup. Afterwards, we moisten a cotton wool or a special swab with salicylic acid and rub it over the problem areas. Afterwards you need to wait a few hours (2-3) and wash your face without soap. At the end of the procedure, apply moisturizer to the skin. This therapy gives the first results after three to four days of regular use.

If you have purulent pimples or blackheads, but your face is generally clean, then you can apply the acid pointwise, in which case there is no need to wash it off. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and lightly press on the pimples to coat them.

Rubbing the skin of the face itself does not always give the desired effect; it is often necessary. combine with masks and scrubs with salicylic acid. For example, combine three drops of lemon juice with a spoonful of salicylic acid, then apply the solution to the skin and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and baking soda (a spoonful per glass) - this will neutralize the effect of acids. It is very important to monitor the condition of your face after this prescription: if a rash appears, stop treatment immediately.

Acetylsalicylic acid often acts as an exfoliating facial peel. We will need one tablet of medicine and a pea of ​​nourishing face cream. You need to grind the tablet into powder, combine it with the cream and apply it with very soft, circular movements to previously cleansed and dry skin. Wash off after 30-40 minutes, lubricate the epidermis with a moisturizing cream (if you don’t have one on hand, you can use aloe juice or olive oil). This scrub cannot be used on wounds on the face.

A 100% way to get rid of acne is 2 tablets Trichopolum and 1 acetyl tablet. They need to be crushed and mixed together, then add just a little tea tree oil to make the mixture more liquid, and apply it to the acne. You need to wash it off after 20 minutes. This prescription is prescribed by many dermatologists.

Photo - Wiping the face

Works great for severe acne glycerin and salicylic acid. Mix:

  1. The third part is glycerin;
  2. the same amount of salicylic acid;
  3. The third part of boric acid (can be replaced with Levomycetin).

Mix everything well and apply the paste directly to problem areas, rinse after 15-20 minutes.

An excellent mask is obtained with mumiyo. You need to combine two parts of mumiyo and one part of salicylic acid, and also apply dots directly over acne and pimples. Repeat every two days, rinse after 15 minutes.

You need to understand that this is not a harmless remedy; even girls without allergies can have problems. According to reviews, side effects salicylic acid for the face are often more serious than the reasons for starting its use:

  1. Burn;
  2. Increased inflammation;
  3. Allergic reaction to aspirin.

If you do not want to prepare medicinal solutions yourself, then you can buy a ready-made product that contains salicylic acid for facial skin, for example L'Oreal lotion or Clearskin gel cleanser. But it’s better to consult your dermatologist first.