How to get rid of papillomas with onions?

The content of the article:
  1. Why is onion effective against papillomas?
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications
  4. Traditional medicine recipes with onions
    1. With honey
    2. With olive oil
    3. Onion pulp
    4. With vinegar
    5. Indian onion
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas

Onion is a well-known remedy in folk medicine, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect, and therefore has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of diseases. Onion for papillomas is irreplaceable - it can be used both externally and internally. This bitter vegetable gives a powerful rebuff to the virus, stimulates the immune system and helps get rid of unaesthetic growths. However, before you begin treatment with a folk remedy, you should definitely study the list of contraindications and choose the optimal recipe.

Why is onion effective in treating papillomas?

According to statistics, the human papillomavirus affects 90% of the world's population, which means that 9 out of 10 people are its carriers. However, in most cases, the pathogen, of course, exists in a passive phase, and its activation is caused by certain unfavorable factors, usually associated with suppression of the immune system for various reasons.

Thus, when treating papillomas, it is important not so much to eliminate unpleasant growths as to boost immunity and transfer the virus to a passive stage. If this is not done, then a new one, or even several new ones, will very soon appear in the place of the fallen tumor.

Onion against the papilloma virus works on all fronts: It copes well with the task of increasing immunity and has a powerful counteraction to HPV due to the content in its composition of a large number of phytoncides - unique substances that can fight pathogenic flora and cleanse the body.

Also, the folk remedy boasts a considerable content of vitamins and minerals. Onions are especially rich in thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, niacin, folic acid, iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and fluorine.

  1. Read about the beneficial properties of castor oil for papillomas

Useful properties of onions for the treatment of papillomas

Onions can rightfully be considered the king of traditional medicine. This culture became available a very long time ago, and our ancestors thoroughly studied its healing properties. Currently, science confirms the extensive pharmacological properties of the vegetable.

It is perhaps difficult to find a disease for which one or another recipe using a bitter vegetable would not be recommended for auxiliary therapy - onions for papillomas, for colds, diseases of the reproductive system, for improving vision...

If we talk about internal use, the folk remedy is definitely recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, especially against atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as for the treatment of respiratory diseases - for bronchitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, flu, abscesses and even tuberculosis.

For external use, onions are recommended for various types of skin diseases. It helps to increase local immunity, remove and prevent inflammation, and improve regeneration.

All this is very important when using onions for papillomas. In view of these properties, it helps not only to remove the growth, but also to minimize the likelihood of scars appearing in its place, and also reduces the likelihood of inflammation developing if the papilloma is accidentally injured.

Contraindications to using onions for papillomas

However, no matter how good onion therapy is, not everyone can use onions against the papilloma virus.

There is essentially only one contraindication to the external use of vegetables - individual intolerance to product components. That's why you should always do an allergy test before use, especially if you have sensitive skin. It is carried out on the back of the hand: the skin area is treated with onion juice, and the patient waits for a day. If no negative symptoms occur, you can begin therapy.

As for contraindications for oral administration, the situation should be discussed individually with the doctor, based on the patient’s medical history. However, onion treatment is absolutely prohibited for people with diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidneys.

In addition, you need to be extremely careful when you have diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. Incorrect recipes with onions can worsen the situation. That is why it is very important to consult a specialist before using a folk remedy.

However, it is worth noting that when using onions for the papilloma virus, following the recipe and dosage is important not only for people with certain health problems, but also for those who are healthy. You should not think that since a medicine is natural, it can be used uncontrollably. An overdose of natural medicines is no less dangerous than an overdose of traditional medicines.

  1. Read contraindications of propolis for papillomas

Traditional medicine recipes with onions for papillomas

There are many recipes for using onions for papillomas in folk medicine. However, the most effective ones involve using the vegetable not in its pure form, but in combination with other useful natural ingredients. Let's look at the most effective recipes.

Onion with honey for papillomas

This remedy is intended for oral administration; it actively fights the virus and improves immunity.

To prepare the healing mixture:

  1. Take 2-3 large onions and peel them.
  2. Chop the vegetables coarsely and place in a blender and chop.
  3. Place the resulting slurry in a glass jar and pour honey on top - the volume of onion and honey should be approximately equal.
  4. Place the medicine in the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the healing mixture of onion and honey against papillomas can already be taken. The recommended dose is 1-2 times a day, 1 teaspoon, regardless of meals.

Onions with olive oil for papillomas

The photo shows the preparation of balm with onions and olive oil.

This balm can only be used externally.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Free a small onion from the husk, squeeze the juice out of it either using a juicer, or by thoroughly chopping and squeezing.
  2. Mix the juice with olive oil in equal proportions - the medicine is ready.

Onion for papillomas in the form of a balm should be lubricated on the skin several times a day until the growth completely disappears.

Onion pulp for papillomas

For papillomas, you can use onion pulp in its pure form; to do this, you just need to chop the vegetable and apply a small amount of the resulting “puree” to the growth, securing it with a band-aid. It is recommended to wear the compress for at least 4 hours.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to treat the area where the papilloma is localized with a decoction of chamomile or string, then dry the healthy area around the growth and spread it with a rich cream. Despite the fact that in comparison with other popular folk remedies for removing growth - celandine, vinegar, garlic - onions are not as aggressive, it is better to protect healthy skin.

After removing the compress from the pulp, for greater effect, it is recommended to lubricate the papilloma with apple cider vinegar using a cotton swab or pharmaceutical zinc ointment.

Onion with vinegar to treat papillomas

In the photo there are onions with vinegar for papillomas

In general, vinegar and onion work very well together for papillomas.

Let's look at the most effective recipes:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the onion, mix in equal proportions with the bite. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution and secure it to the papilloma, being careful not to touch healthy skin. Change lotions several times a day.
  2. Take a glass jar and fill it to the top with onion peels, and then pour as much vinegar into it as will fit. Close the jar tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Use the resulting solution to cauterize the papilloma pointwise several times a day.
  3. Cut the onion into slices and marinate in vinegar for 2-3 days. Apply the prepared onion pieces to the papilloma and secure with a bandage.
Note! In all these recipes for folk remedies with onions for papillomas, it is better to use apple cider vinegar, since, unlike table vinegar, it is made from natural raw materials, and not made synthetically, so its healing effect on the skin is stronger.

Indian onion for papillomas

Recently, the so-called Indian onion for the papilloma virus has been gaining particularly positive reviews. It is noteworthy, however, that the culture has nothing to do with either the classic onion or India. However, it has excellent healing properties.

Indian onion is a plant belonging to the bulbous family. He is originally from Africa. It is grown in our country as a houseplant, and for papillomas it is used both in pure form and in a mixture with ammonia.

In the first case, the juice is extracted from the onion, and the growths are spot-treated with this juice; in the second, the juice is mixed in equal proportions with ammonia and is also applied spot-on.

  1. See recipes for removing papillomas with vinegar

Results of treatment of papillomas with onion

The photo shows the process of treating papillomas with onions

Onion in the treatment of papillomas is an effective remedy that very rarely fails. If there is no individual intolerance to the product or other contraindications, the treatment should work.

However, as many resources promise, you should not expect lightning-fast results. Traditional therapy is effective, but its results cannot be immediate. On average, positive dynamics should be observed after 7-10 days.

If you do not notice any changes, or if, on the contrary, you see changes of a negative nature - the papilloma is swollen, inflamed, etc., consult a doctor immediately.

It is worth noting that Indian onions usually help with papillomas faster than the onion we are used to, but in general, both therapies are very effective.

How to get rid of papillomas using folk remedies - watch the video:

Onion is one of the most affordable, but at the same time proven and reliable folk medicines. It helps the body fight the human papillomavirus and stimulates the body's defenses. In addition, the onion vegetable helps in removing the growths themselves. Thus, onions treat both cause and effect, and, in addition, by strengthening the immune system, it has an excellent preventive effect and significantly reduces the likelihood of relapses. However, when using onions for papillomas, it is important to be careful and consult a doctor before starting therapy.

  1. Read also about treatment of papillomas with potatoes