How to massage the prostate or prostate gland

Since the mid-20th century, prostate massage has been considered the main and most effective way to treat prostatitis. This statement about the benefits of prostate massage is supported by most urologists. Although there are some differences in the execution method.

Prostate massage is a procedure for men aimed at activating the blood supply to the prostate gland, as well as ensuring the outflow of secretions from the infected glands.

If a man is diagnosed with a disease of the genitourinary system, then this procedure is a mandatory addition to the main method of treatment, which includes antibacterial therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures. In order not to harm men's health and not cause harm, you need to know well how to do prostate massage. The massage procedure can be performed with the help of a urologist and at home, provided that the prostate massage technique is well studied.

Despite the fact that during the procedure a man experiences psychological discomfort, this urological prostate massage is an effective method of treating a disease such as prostatitis. During the procedure, blood circulation is activated, which leads to the removal of delayed pathological secretions.

The procedure leads to an increase in the flow of oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood, which is essential for the regeneration of new tissue in the gland.

It is worth noting that prostate massage is a therapeutic procedure that should be performed if there are appropriate indications. The indications are:

  1. various forms of chronic prostatitis
  2. sexual disorders accompanying chronic prostatitis
  3. lack of response to antibiotic treatment
  4. obtaining prostate secretion for research

Prostate massage

This is how the prostate is located in the body

Method of performing prostate massage

Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly wash the genitals and the anus itself. Among other things, you should do an enema. To make the patient comfortable. He needs to take a knee-elbow position. This position will allow you to relax the pelvic floor muscles as much as possible and create comfortable conditions for further massage.

To perform a massage procedure, the doctor stands behind the patient and carefully, without forceful effort, inserts a finger, allowing the patient to cope with the discomfort that has arisen. Once the doctor has inserted his finger, he determines the location of the gland. The lower edge of the gland is located approximately 5 cm below the anus.

On palpation, the prostate feels like a compacted formation, reminiscent of a “nut”. Dimensions of the prostate: length - 4-4.5 cm, width - from 2 to 3.5 cm, thickness from 1.5 to 2.5 cm. The prostate consists of individual lobules of different sizes in the amount of 30-50 pieces, which are located in dense connective tissue base with many smooth muscle fibers.

After the location of the prostate has been determined, it is necessary to use careful finger movements to evaluate its size, shape, degree of density and consistency. It is necessary to pay attention to the patient's pain.

The prostate massage technique starts from the edge of the gland towards the central groove along the excretory ducts. It is worth taking into account that the right lobe of the gland is less sensitive to manipulation. That is why it is recommended to start the massage from the right lobe, smoothly moving to the left.

The main method of exposure is gentle superficial stroking in a vertical plane.

When palpating, you should pay attention to the density of the surface of the prostate gland: if it is soft, movements should be softer and more careful, if the surface is denser, a little more effort should be applied. The procedure should be completed by applying gentle pressure from top to bottom in the area of ​​the central groove. Knowing how to properly massage the prostate, you can perform the procedure at home, but this is a last resort.

Remember, all movements should be smooth, without any sudden manipulations. The intensity should increase gradually as the movements progress. The main and main indicator that the massage is performed correctly is the absence of pain in the patient.

Prostate massage

Rectal palpation of the prostate

Why do you need prostate massage?

Thanks to the therapeutic effects that massage has, there is a beneficial effect on restoring the function of the prostate gland. This is due to the following factors:

  1. mechanical effect on prostate tissue
  2. vasodilation
  3. local irritation of nerve endings
  4. improvement of microcirculation processes in the prostate

In addition, the flow of nutrients and oxygen, which are necessary for restoration processes, increases. The penetration of drugs into tissues also improves. Therefore, the effectiveness of antibiotics and other drugs is improved. Massage activates beneficial bacteria and, in interaction with antibiotics, leads to a complete cleansing of infections from the body.

The course of prostate massage is designed for ten sessions, with systematic frequency every other day or every day. The duration of one session is up to one minute, but not less than thirty seconds.

Contraindications to massage

This procedure is contraindicated in patients with an acute form of prostatitis in order to avoid the spread of infection in the male body. Among other things, this type of massage is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  1. chronic prostatitis
  2. haemorrhoids
  3. heat
  4. exacerbation of inflammatory processes
  5. prostate cyst
  6. tuberculosis
  7. thrombosis

In conclusion, I would like to note that this massage is a mandatory tool in the fight for men’s health and the key to a fulfilling life.