How to treat a burn when a bubble bursts

With even a mild burn, the patient often develops a blister, which protects the affected area from the spread of infections.

Care should be taken to ensure that the blister does not burst prematurely, especially due to special mechanical stress.

If this does happen, it is important to take precautions to prevent infection.

First aid if a burn blister bursts: how to treat

So, a blister from a burn has burst - what to do? As soon as you notice that there is no longer a blister at the site of the burn, you should carefully examine the site of the lesion and carry out the following manipulations.

  1. Do not, under any circumstances, remove affected skin. at home, it will serve as an additional barrier against bacteria and viruses.
  2. After this, you should immediately apply a good disinfectant to the area; betadine and chlorhexidine are ideal for this. They will disinfect the wound and will not cause additional inflammation.
  3. After disinfection, a gauze compress is applied to the sore spot, which will protect the wound from dust and dirt.

It is also recommended to treat the gauze with an antiseptic.

You should not use fluffy fabrics and cotton wool for dressings, as small particles can cause severe suppuration and subsequent necrosis of healthy tissue.

After providing first aid, you should immediately go to the surgeon or the doctor on duty to the emergency room.

How to avoid infection, and how to treat burns with blisters if the blister bursts

After examining the burn, the doctor always prescribes to patients how to treat burst blisters from burns with medication. This is a healing and disinfecting ointment that contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The ointment is applied directly to the site of the former blister and covered with a sterile gauze bandage.

It must be changed every day, since pathogenic bacteria also gradually accumulate under the fabric. Several types of ointments can be prescribed for treatment.


A good ointment with combined effects, which completely relieves inflammation and swelling.

It is advisable to apply the medicine three times a day at regular intervals.

In this case, it is imperative to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid getting Baneocin on healthy skin.

The cost of the medicine is approximately 400 rubles.


It is also a good healing drug, which simultaneously causes skin regeneration.

It can be used up to three times a day; the exact dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the complexity of the burn and its consequences.

You should not use the medicine if bleeding is constantly observed.

The average price of a medicine is 130 rubles.


The ointment is very well tolerated by patients and can also be used in childhood.

For burns, it is usually used once a day, but for severe injuries, the number of uses can be increased to three, and the bandage should also be replaced.

Adverse reactions when prescribed are extremely rare and consist only of mild swelling and itching.

The price for Gentamicin is 20-30 rubles.

The doctor can also advise how to treat a burst blister from a burn, using special anti-burn wipes and patches, for example, Branolide and Apollo. Using napkins, you can additionally disinfect the area affected by a burst bubble before applying the main drug.

You should not use any traditional methods of therapy, since such popular home medicine remedies as garlic, honey and vegetable oil can cause infection.

If a crust of dried blood constantly appears at the site of the wound or the site of the blister oozes, only antiseptic solutions can be used for treatment and disinfection. In this case, the bandage is changed every few hours.

Basic methods of prevention: treatment at home

To prevent a situation where the blisters burst and subsequent infection gets into the wound, you should adhere to a number of recommendations:

  1. immediately after a blister appears on the burn, cover it with a bandage with any bactericidal ointment that was described above;
  2. if the affected area is located on the leg or in a place that is easily damaged, you should ask to puncture the bladder or do it yourself with a strictly sterile needle;
  3. during the procedure, I also use a special gauze swab soaked in chlorhexidine, which is applied to the puncture site and the liquid is carefully squeezed out of the blister;
  4. After such manipulations, bandages with healing agents should also be applied.

If there are small particles of matter or dirt on the wound, it should first be washed with antiseptic solutions. Also, do not apply ointments and healing creams to the affected skin if it is bleeding heavily.

By observing the main points when treating a burst bladder, you will definitely be able to avoid contamination and infection of the wound. It will also be useful to immediately seek medical help so that a specialist can examine the burn and, if necessary, adjust therapy.

Thermal burns are a common household injury that causes skin damage and acute pain. If you burn severely enough, blisters filled with liquid appear on the affected area. Treatment of burns with blisters at home is allowed only after examination by a doctor and with his permission. During therapy, you must follow the specialist’s recommendations and maintain sterility.

Causes of blisters

Characteristic blisters form with 2nd degree burns. Under the influence of high temperatures, the upper layer of the dermis dies and begins to peel off. Gradually, a clear liquid accumulates inside. This is a protective reaction of the body, protecting viable tissues from dead skin and the external environment.

The blister is filled with lymph, which contains many white blood cells. They prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the wound, preventing infection and suppuration. After a few days, the water in the bubble becomes cloudy and yellowish. This is a normal reaction, confirming a 2nd degree burn.

If the affected area is minor and does not affect sensitive areas, such as the face or groin, treatment can be carried out at home. The exceptions are children, elderly people, and patients suffering from diabetes.

First aid

Bubbles may appear in the first minutes after injury. Sometimes this takes several hours, in rare cases - a day.

When treating burns, proper first aid is of great importance. Clear actions in an unusual situation can reduce the risk of complications and increase the likelihood of a favorable treatment prognosis:

  1. The burned area should be immediately placed under running cool water or immersed in a container filled with liquid.
  2. Cool the skin for at least 10 minutes. Doctors prohibit using any means other than water and a damp cloth for this purpose.
  3. Do not apply ice or snow: temperature changes will cause frostbite and tissue necrosis.

The damage should be carefully blotted with a sterile napkin and wait until the wound dries, then fill it with an antiseptic.

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. hydrogen peroxide;
  3. light pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  4. Furacilin.

Treat the affected skin and the surrounding area with anti-burn ointment with antibacterial action. Suitable for this:

Apply a sterile gauze bandage on top and change it every 4 hours.

Blisters most often occur upon contact with boiling water, hot oil, steam, or fire. If the burning sensation is severe, you can take Analgin or another pain reliever.

What to do at home

If treatment is carried out at home, it is necessary to apply a wound-healing ointment under a sterile bandage twice a day, carefully observe hygiene and try to prevent the bubble from bursting. Gradually, the damaged layer of skin will be restored, scarring will begin, and the blister will dry out. The dead film will peel off, revealing healthy epithelium.

If damage to the bladder does occur, efforts must be directed toward preventing infection and healing the open wound. External antibiotic-based agents and combination preparations are suitable for this.

Pharmacy products

If a blister begins to swell on the skin from a severe burn, you should immediately use medications that stimulate cell renewal and start the regeneration process. The pharmacy offers a wide selection of anti-burn medications. Well proven:

  1. Bepanten ointment. It contains dexpanthenol, which anesthetizes the wound, relieves swelling and eliminates inflammation;
  2. Levomekol. This is an antibiotic that prevents infection and accelerates the healing of damaged areas;
  3. Argosulfan. The ointment contains silver ions, which soothe burning sensation, destroy pathogenic microflora and restore the integrity of the skin;
  4. Eplan. The product has no contraindications and is good for thermal burns with blisters;
  5. Panthenol. A drug based on dexpanthenol promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

It is recommended to treat a burst blister with Furacilin ointment, Baneocin or Vishnevsky's liniment. The peculiarity of these drugs is that they have a powerful antimicrobial effect.

For daily dressings you need to purchase everything you need. You will need:

  1. sterile bandages and gloves;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. gauze swabs for applying medication;
  4. anti-burn ointment.

Traditional methods

If necessary, burns with blisters can be cured using traditional methods. Their use is allowed for small blisters when their integrity is not compromised:

  1. An ancient method of treating injuries from steam or boiling water is to apply sea buckthorn oil to the burned area. It soothes pain and relieves irritation. The wound should be lubricated with a thin layer, covered with a sterile cloth and left for several hours. Repeat the treatment 2 times a day.
  2. Aloe juice accelerates skin regeneration. The bottom sheet should be washed, minced through a meat grinder and the juice extracted. Soak gauze with it and apply a lotion to the sore spot for 3-4 hours.
  3. Grate fresh carrots, wrap the pulp in gauze and apply to the injury for 4 hours. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
  4. Dilute three tablespoons of starch with a spoon of water. Spread the homogeneous paste over the affected area and cover with a bandage. After 3 hours, wash off with an antiseptic. Treat the burn morning and evening.
  5. Beat the white of 1 egg until foamy and apply to the affected area. After 2 hours, clean the wound and repeat the procedure.
  6. Combine 1 part of pharmacy calendula tincture with 5 parts of cosmetic Vaseline. Mix into a homogeneous mass. Apply to blister and inflamed skin 4 times daily.

It is useful to wash a burn with blisters with cooled, strong black tea. This is a safe method that can be used on a child to relieve fever and pain.

What not to do

If you have burns, you should not listen to dubious recommendations. These include:

  1. lubricating the skin with vegetable oil or fat;
  2. treating the wound with iodine, brilliant green or alcohol;
  3. using vinegar or soda;
  4. urine therapy.

Such actions are unacceptable. They aggravate the damage and worsen the patient's condition. Do not forcefully tear off the fabric that is stuck to the burnt area: it must be carefully cut with scissors and then soaked in cool water.

Is it possible to pop blisters?

You cannot puncture a fluid-filled bladder yourself. Even with careful hygiene, an open wound can easily become infected, causing inflammation and accumulation of pus.

Small blisters usually go away on their own. If the size is too large, the bubble swells and causes acute pain, you need to consult a doctor. The surgeon will perform an opening, remove dead tissue, and apply a sterile dressing. The victim will need to change it regularly or come to a medical facility for dressing.

What to do if the bubble bursts

If a large bubble has burst, the whitish film should be cut off with sterilized scissors. Then disinfect the injury with hydrogen peroxide and apply a layer of antibacterial ointment under the bandage.

If inflammation begins, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alarming symptoms of impaired recovery processes are:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. chills;
  3. severe swelling in the affected area.

When do blisters go away?

An uncomplicated 2nd degree burn usually heals within 2 weeks. There are 3 stages of skin regeneration:

  1. Dead tissue is sloughed off and blisters form.
  2. Granulation occurs. The bubble dries out, damaged cells are renewed.
  3. New epithelium is formed. The integrity of the skin is restored and complete healing of the burn occurs.

During the treatment process, it is important to prevent cracks in the epidermis. Their appearance threatens bacterial infection and leads to scars.

Prevention measures

Burns with blisters are a common condition that many people experience. You can reduce the risk of injury with proper prevention:

  1. When working with flammable substances and household chemicals, you should strictly adhere to the rules written in the instructions for the products.
  2. Keep hazardous substances in a specially designated place, away from food.
  3. When coming into contact with aggressive compounds, be sure to wear gloves, protect your eyes with goggles, and your mouth with a gauze bandage.
  4. When preparing food, be careful not to grab a hot pan or stove with your hands.
  5. Keep small children away from the operating stove.
  6. Avoid exposure to steam.
  7. When visiting the beach, protect your body from sunburn with cream.

If it was not possible to prevent skin injury, do not panic. First aid is urgently needed. The speed of subsequent recovery and the absence of scars after wound healing depends on its quality.

One of the most common and painful injuries is burn, which, depending on the severity, can manifest itself either in normal redness or in the form of blisters.

They are the ones who cause the most problems to the victim, causing pain and discomfort. Besides, burst blister is an excellent way for infection to enter the body.

First aid

A burst blister quite often causes quite serious complications, including infection.

That's why the question is: the blister from the burn burst, what to do, how to treat and how to treat? - very, very relevant. First aid in case of damage to the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​the blister is the use of disinfectants and antiseptics.

Treatment at home if the blisters have burst are as follows:

Firstly, do not remove skin from the surface of the wound yourself. It will serve as additional protection against possible infection.

Secondly, treat the damaged area with antiseptic agents: betadine, chlorhexidine, etc. Never use alcohol solutions and tinctures, as well as fatty ointments and creams for this purpose.

Third, Apply a gauze bandage to the area of ​​the burst blister., which can also be moistened in a solution of chlorhexidine. Do not use cotton wool under any circumstances: the smallest fibers can penetrate the wound, causing suppuration.

After all the measures taken be sure to see a doctorwho will recommend suitable treatment. If pain occurs, use an anesthetic spray or ointment, which is sold at any pharmacy.

How to avoid infection?

Proper care of the damaged area of ​​skin is the only sure way to prevent infection. To prevent infection from entering the body, it is necessary treat the wound with any antibacterial ointment, antibiotic powders are also suitable.

After this, the burst blister is covered with a gauze bandage, which must be changed daily. If the burn is minor, you may want to shower before redressing.


To treat a burst blister, special antiseptic ointments with an antibiotic are used, which avoids infection.

The dressing with ointment must be changed daily, and if necessary, for example, if threads from the bandage remain in the wound during dressing, additionally treat the wound with chlorhexidine or another disinfecting solution.

In addition, you can purchase special anti-burn wipes, which in addition to disinfecting properties, help relieve pain.

The choice of the appropriate drug plays a huge role in treatment. Pharmacies offer a huge range of special products, which is why choosing the right one can be quite difficult. If you can't make up your mind, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

It is important to know that if the integrity of the skin above the surface of a burst blister is damaged, cream should not be applied to an open and bleeding wound.

It is better to replace it with a gauze swab soaked in betadine or chlorhexidine. In addition, experts strongly do not recommend using home methods and remedies, since their use is comparable to the risk of infection.

Basic methods of prevention

In order to avoid damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of the blister, it is necessary protect the area with a gauze bandage using the means described above.

However, if the formation causes you discomfort or is located in a place where it is impossible to avoid damage, you can pierce it at the base with a needle and carefully squeeze out the liquid using a gauze swab soaked in an antiseptic. Use a sterile needle from a medical syringe for this purpose.

Most often, burn blisters go away within 10-14 days and can be treated at home. However, if you provide the wound with proper care and follow all the necessary precautions, the occurrence of complications will be minimized.

A mandatory visit to a doctor is required only if your blister occupies a fairly large area, does not heal for a long time, or suppuration has formed in its place. And the answer to the question how to treat a burst blister from a burn at home you now know.

Watch the video: how to treat burns at home