How to treat vulgar papillomas?

The content of the article:
  1. What is papilloma vulgaris
  2. Main reasons
  3. What they look like
  4. How to treat vulgar papillomas
    1. Medicines
    2. Traditional methods
    3. Operating methods

Vulgar papillomas are growths of viral origin on human skin, which are also called common or simple warts. They can disappear on their own some time after their appearance, but if there is discomfort, you can always get rid of the tumor.

What is papilloma vulgaris?

Vulgar papillomas (from the Latin “simple”) are ordinary round warts, tumors that rise above the skin, localized on the fingers, palms and feet.

The growths appear in childhood from 7 to 14 years, sometimes disappear and grow in different places. Such papillomas disappear completely when the immune system develops antibodies to the virus that caused them.

From the moment the first wart appears until the growths completely disappear, it can take from 2 months to 1 year. If this has not happened within a year, and the number of vulgar papillomas has even increased, you should consult an immunologist about weakened immunity.

Note! The appearance of vulgar papillomas indicates a catastrophic decrease in the body's defenses.

The main causes of common warts

The cause of common warts is infection with human papillomavirus type 2, which enters injured skin and gradually multiplies in its basal layer. The incubation period is long - several months. The appearance of vulgar papillomas during infection is not necessary; the virus can be in the body in a latent state.

Reasons for the activation of HPV and the subsequent growth of common warts:

  1. Decreased immunity. Neoplasms appear against the background of illness, stress, vitamin deficiency, hypothermia, overheating of the body, long exposure to the sun.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels. The appearance of vulgar papillomas is also caused by hormonal changes: age-related or due to endocrine disease.
Important! 95% of children are infected with HPV type 2, 90% of them have ever developed a common papilloma on their skin.

What do vulgar papillomas look like?

The photo shows papilloma vulgaris

There are several characteristic external signs, based on which, you can accurately diagnose the formation of vulgar papillomas on the body:

  1. Color and texture. The growths are flesh-colored, dense, sometimes dry and rough.
  2. Size. This value ranges from 3 mm to 1 cm.
  3. Localization. Common places where warts vulgaris appear are the hands, feet, fingers and toes. Especially often - around the nail, at the nail fold, this is directly related to the bad childhood habit of biting nails.
  4. Quantity. The rashes can be single or located in groups. The presence of one wart in an infected person means that the immune system is strong. Most often, growths appear in groups at once, a second soon appears next to the first, then another “daughter” wart, and so on.
  5. Symmetry. If you look closely at the photo of vulgar papillomas, you will notice that on the folds and bends of the skin, on the fingers, they are located symmetrically and when bent, they seem to kiss, hence another name - “kissing” warts.
Attention! Large flat growths may form on the soles and palms of the hands; they should be distinguished from papillomas vulgaris. These are so-called plantar warts, which are caused by HPV type 1.

How to treat vulgar papillomas: pharmaceuticals, hardware methods

Common warts disappear on their own after some time (from 2 months to 1 year, on average six months) after their appearance, it all depends on the strength of the immune system of the infected person. But if they cause discomfort - when walking, writing, working, or are not aesthetically pleasing - it is better to get rid of them. This can be done using modern medical methods from a dermatologist or using folk methods.

Medicines for cauterizing simple warts

To remove common warts, drugs are used that cause burns and tissue necrosis, followed by death of the growth.

In the treatment of vulgar papillomas, the following local drugs have shown high effectiveness:

  1. lapis pencil. A mild cauterizing external agent, which is a mixture of potassium and silver nitrates. The price in Russia is 150 rubles, in Ukraine - 67 hryvnia. Read in detail about the results of removing papillomas with a lapis pencil.
  2. Collomak. An analogue of lapis pencil based on lauromacrogol, salicylic and lactic acid, produced in Egypt. A moderately effective cauterizing drug that causes sclerosis of the skin capillaries and subsequent necrosis of the smeared wart. Costs 350 rubles in Russia, 285 hryvnia in Ukraine. Read detailed instructions for using Collomac.
  3. Dufilm. A direct analogue of Collomac for the treatment of vulgar papillomas, the components are the same, produced in Europe. The price in Russia is 128 rubles, in Ukraine – 96 hryvnia. Read about the beneficial properties of Duofilm for papillomas.
  4. Solcoderm. An effective caustic preparation based on acids - oxalic, nitric, acetic, lactic and copper nitrate trihydrate. Cauterization is carried out in several stages; 1 ampoule (0.2 ml) is enough for one session. The price in Russia is 560 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia. Read the instructions for using Solcoderm for papillomas.
  5. Super clean. This external cosmetic product is not associated with celandine, but is made from alkali - sodium and potassium. Reminds me of a perfume sampler with an applicator. Once a day for 3 days in a row, the growth is lubricated with 1 drop of the drug. Healthy skin around the wart can be lubricated with zinc ointment to avoid burns. After 7 days, the procedure is repeated if necessary. In Russia, a product for removing vulgar papillomas can be bought for 35-40 rubles, in Ukraine - for 7-20 hryvnia. Read the instructions for using Superclean for papillomas.
  6. Feresol. An external agent based on phenol and tricresol, a session of cauterization of the wart with the drug is carried out from 10 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the number and size of the growths). Repeated after 14 days. In total, there should be no more than 5 such procedures. In Russia, the cost of Feresol varies from 252 to 365 rubles, in Ukraine - from 17 to 25 hryvnia. Here you can find detailed instructions for using Feresol.
  7. Verrucacid. A drug similar to Feresol, but with an improved formula; it contains metacresol, a biologically active natural compound found in many plants. The removal method is similar - cauterization of vulgar papillomas according to instructions over several sessions. In Russia it costs from 130 to 250 rubles, in Ukraine - from 185 to 340 hryvnia. Read about the contraindications and side effects of Verrucacid.
Please note! It is not recommended to independently cauterize growths on the skin with external preparations, as there is a risk of injury to healthy tissue.

Folk ways to combat vulgar papillomas

Folk remedies for removing vulgar warts are effective and cheap, but are designed for long-term use.

How to treat vulgar papillomas at home:

  1. Cauterization with caustic plant juice. Garlic and celandine juice, which has antiviral properties, works well against simple warts. Several times every day, the juice of a cut clove of garlic or yellow milk from the stem of celandine should be lubricated with the growth or at night a bandage with gruel from these finely chopped plants should be applied to it. To make the effect more effective, it is necessary to treat vulgar papilloma when it has just appeared and is still small in size.
  2. Drinking vitamin infusions. To increase immunity and accelerate the formation of antibodies to the virus that causes warts, drink healing infusions. This recipe has worked well: mix rose hips, currant leaves, dry cherries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, pour boiling water and leave. Drink once a day instead of tea. To stimulate the body's defenses, it is also recommended to consume natural freshly squeezed juices and salads with the addition of sprouted wheat grains.
Remember! Lubricating vulgar papillomas with nail polish or superglue is ineffective.

Surgical methods for getting rid of vulgar warts

The process of removing papilloma vulgaris

The fastest way to treat vulgar papillomas is to remove them. Modern cosmetology medicine offers the following options:

  1. Laser removal. The most common and relatively inexpensive effective method. The laser beam gradually evaporates the growth tissue, leaving a crust. When it falls off, the skin underneath will be clear. The price of the procedure for removing one element varies from 400 to 500 rubles in Russia and from 350 to 700 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Cryodestruction. Neoplasm tissues are frozen with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -100°C. A burn bubble forms on the skin; after a week it will fall off along with the growth. This is an effective and not too expensive method, although the rehabilitation period is longer than with laser removal. The cost of the procedure is from 50 to 100 rubles per wart in Russia and from 40 to 300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Radio wave method. The second name is tungsten filament removal. The least traumatic, painless method. The Surgitron device, the working part of which is made of tungsten, is exposed to high-frequency radio waves and evaporates wart tissue, like a laser. Compared to the two previous methods, this one is the most expensive. The price for removing vulgar papilloma using radio waves is from 400 rubles in Russia and from 270 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Electrocoagulation. This is a painful method, so the site of the procedure is first numbed. The doctor removes the wart with a special electrode - a metal thread under current, similar to a wood burner. The cost is from 40 to 200 rubles in Russia and from 40 to 130 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  5. Surgery. A traumatic procedure in which papilloma vulgaris is excised with a scalpel and requires anesthesia. The price in Russia is from 1,500 rubles, in Ukraine - from 1,000 hryvnia, in each case it is calculated individually and depends on various factors - the size of the tumor, the number of tests performed, materials used, etc.
Important! Surgical excision of warts is rarely performed when all other methods are contraindicated.

How to treat human papillomavirus - watch the video:

Treatment of vulgar papillomas is indicated when necessary - aesthetic or physical discomfort. Even if such tumors are not removed, they will disappear on their own, usually within 6 months from the date of appearance. To speed up the process, immunity should be increased.