How to Apply Color Corrector

The way your skin looks is of great importance for the beauty of your face. It is very important to learn to emphasize your individuality, pay attention to attractive facial features, and hide its flaws. Modern cosmetology offers an incredibly large arsenal of various products that will help with this. A concealer palette will allow you to disguise any skin defect, make it more beautiful and attract the admiring glances of others.


  1. When to use concealer
  2. A concealer palette is a universal and convenient thing.
  3. When to use which concealer
  4. Some practical tips for using colored concealers

When to use concealer

Concealer from English means “to hide.” It helps to disguise on the face what does not add charm to it. We are talking primarily about pimples, capillary points, inflammation, scratches, bruises under the eyes and other unpleasant and aesthetically not very attractive color manifestations, which are difficult to get rid of. Such manifestations must be hidden so that they are not noticeable to others. This is where concealer comes to the rescue, then foundation or other product is used to consolidate the result.

There is no need to equate concealer, which is applied to the problem area, and corrector, which is used spot on. The concealer can be used every day. Thanks to its light texture, it applies well and does not create discomfort.

A concealer palette is a universal and convenient thing.

Here it is in your hands, one of the components of female happiness, a concealer palette, a powerful assistant, an ally in achieving the ideal of beauty. This is a unique set of decorative cosmetics with a paste-like texture and moderate thickness. There are tonal products in yellow, orange, blue, green, violet, and other colors.

How does it work? What should you know to choose the right shade of concealer?

Once upon a time at school, during art lessons, the teacher revealed the little secrets and tricks of color: if you put green on top of yellow, you get blue. The work of concealer is based on the same principle.

Each skin defect is colored in its own color: moles are brown, pimples are reddish, freckles are red, pigmentation is yellowish... And to hide these defects, you simply need to use another color, the opposite one. It can be easily identified by the color wheel representing the couples. Colors located opposite each other make up opposite pairs. These colors neutralize each other and help hide skin imperfections.

Using this hint, it is easy to find the right concealer; the main thing is to remember that colored concealers are selected taking into account the color of the skin defect that needs to be disguised. That is, if you want to hide freckles, you take a purple concealer, and red pimples are neutralized with green.

But there is one more thing to consider: each person’s skin is unique. Some have dark skin, others have yellowish skin, and there are people with very fair skin. The reason lies in the fact that human skin contains four types of pigments, which affect its tone. Carotene gives yellowness to the skin, it quickly becomes tanned due to melanin, veins have a bluish tint due to the presence of deoxyhemoglobin, and due to oxyhemoglobin, the blood is red. Using colored concealers, you can give your facial skin a uniform tone. Therefore, there is a need to purchase concealers of different shades. A set containing several shades of the same color helps to make the choice easier and solve the problem efficiently.

When to use which concealer

All that remains is to learn how to choose the right color or shade:

  1. Green (mint) the color is neutralized by red. This means that with the help of a concealer of this tone you can disguise pimples or other redness. Green concealer is also indispensable in the presence of a capillary network, when the vessels are located close to the surface of the skin. After using a green concealer, a slight haze effect is observed on the face; redness is not noticeable. A nude concealer or foundation will help complete the procedure. It is important to know that you need to avoid getting green on healthy areas of the skin, where it will not be leveled and will give the skin a green tint. Green will help women and teenagers with problem skin and give them the opportunity to feel confident. Yellowish or honey-colored concealers will also help hide unwanted redness.
  2. Yellow cold choose to get rid of bluish or purple circles under the eyes. It perfectly evens out skin color and even disguises tattoos.
  3. Orange (apricot, salmon) makes an opposite pair with blue, so it successfully masks blue-green bruises under the eyes. A mixture of orange and flesh can be used to paint over a tattoo. Important: Bright carrot-colored concealer is not suitable for all skin tones.
  4. Blue will help discolor pigment spots, lighten dark circles under the eyes, disguise rosacea, abundant freckles, and even out yellowish skin tone.
  5. Lilac (lilac, lavender) is the opposite of yellow. If your skin has a yellowish tint or is covered in freckles, you can give it a healthy glow and clarity by using a concealer of this color. Lilac will help neutralize dark circles under the eyes and brown spots on the skin.
  6. Pink used when it is necessary to correct skin tone, remove a grayish tint. Recommended for women whose age is defined as elegant. It will give your facial skin brightness, freshness and youth. Pink will disguise greenish areas (from bruises). It is important to know that you need to be careful when working with a concealer of this color: if it gets on spots of a different color, it can give an unexpected result (pink and blue give a purple tint).

Video: Concealer palette review

Some practical tips for using colored concealers

If you decide that colored concealers are a must, here are some more tips to consider:

  1. First you should apply concealer, and then foundation or powder;
  2. It is recommended to apply the product in a thin layer using a brush;
  3. if concealer is applied with your fingers, you should try not to rub it in, but rather drive it in, watch the thickness of the layer, it should be thin;
  4. It is advisable to apply the product from top to bottom so as not to lift the skin hairs;
  5. you can mix concealers to get the desired result;
  6. You can also mix concealer and foundation.

Before purchasing colored concealers, you need to make sure they are effective. To do this, take shadows of a certain color, mix them with a flesh-colored concealer, and the defect is masked. If the experiment is a success, then you can be sure that the concealer works, and using it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

From this article you will learn how to properly use a face corrector palette following step-by-step instructions, and you will also find a large number of illustrative photos and videos. What kind of remedy is this? This is a camouflage coating. Its use will help you create perfect makeup. It hides almost all skin imperfections: pigmentation, spots of various types, facial wrinkles, spider veins, darkening under the eyes.

Since it is difficult to find a universal solution for all of these problems, it is necessary to understand the variety of options. It often happens that to create a make-up you need to replenish your makeup bag with different versions of products. Let's consider all the items that can be found on sale, as well as their features and shades.

Types and features of facial correctors: where to apply each of them

There are several varieties of this product in stores.


It is a water-based composition. It is similar to a light cream and is sold in tubes, glass jars with a mini brush or sponge applicator. They are convenient for marking dots or creating broad strokes and lines. It cannot be fixed with powder, as spots and pellets will form.

Characteristics of this product:

  1. Hides dark circles from lack of sleep and fatigue. If they are very noticeable, apply two coats. First one is translucent, let it dry. Then another one.
  2. It comes in pink, green and other colors.
  3. Reflective looks are needed to hide puffiness around the eyes.


Available in sticks and in the form of cosmetic pencils. The first one has a dense, creamy consistency, does not clump, and is easy to apply. But it is more difficult to shade, so it is used spot on. Works well on dry skin. Paints problem areas on the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose. The second one has a hard and dry texture. Has a mattifying effect. Often the composition is antibacterial.

This product is multifunctional, it can be used as a primer (base) for lipstick and eye shadow, a lip contouring product and eyeliner (makes them more open if applied under the lower eyelid). Both types of products disguise small scars, fine lines, redness and other cosmetic defects. We recommend solid concealers:


Available in palettes with different shades or jars. It is applied with a brush, sponge or hands. It is required when you need to solve several problems at once, for example, spider veins and pimples. It has a thick consistency and covers darkened scars and other imperfections well. May clog pores on oily skin. Lasts a long time. Cream concealers:


The base is mineral powder. Hides red and other spots, rashes, inflammations, visually changes facial features. Suitable for extensive and local painting. Convenient to apply with a brush or puff. Sold in different palettes, in a separate box or in sets. A fixing body composition is applied on top. Creates a mattifying effect. Dry concealers presented in our store:

How to use a face corrector palette

Colors can be in one box or purchased separately.


  1. Neutralizes yellow tint, old bruises and freckles.
  2. Gives shine.
  3. Bluish evens out the tone in case of sunburn, and conceals self-tanning spots.
  4. Suitable for evening makeup, makes the skin look porcelain.


  1. Removes dark circles of different shades and pigmentation.
  2. For fair-skinned girls, the salmon version is suitable, for darker-skinned girls, the peach version.
  3. Refreshes the look, corrects unevenness.


  1. Masks blue and purple discoloration, dilated blood vessels, bruises from fatigue and lack of sleep, acne scars, noticeable scars.
  2. Revitalizes earthy complexions.
  3. Covers allergic rashes.


  1. Hides traces of inflammation, freckles, bites. If you most often need to neutralize redness, this is an ideal option. An alternative is a primer with the appropriate color.
  2. To cover up the effects of sunburn, create a mix of this product and foundation.


  1. Suitable for dark-skinned girls.
  2. Masks brown and blue bruises, age spots, removes the sharpness of nasolabial folds and corners of the lips.


Usually it is not used in its pure form, but for mixing with other, too saturated shades. It also brightens darkened areas well and highlights convex parts.


Removes orange and brown imperfections, freckles, moles. Evens out the shade in the eye area.

Natural tone

Such cosmetics are applied to colored formulations and instead of a primer.

How to properly apply concealer to your face step by step: photos and videos

Skillful use of products allows you to hide any imperfections well and create a radiant image. For everything to work out, you need to follow several rules.

  1. Prepare your skin first. Half an hour before you start applying makeup, cleanse it with cleansing gel and soften it with an everyday light cream. Blot the residue with a napkin.
  2. Apply a thin layer of product to problem areas and blend slightly.
  3. If you purchased a liquid composition, foundation is applied on top of it. It is important not to rub it in, but to gently tap it in with heated fingertips.
  4. Dry, on the contrary, is distributed over already painted areas.
  5. The main rule is not to overdo it with layering of concealer. Otherwise, stains will appear.
  6. Crow's feet need to be neutralized using a gel or makeup base. They will smooth out wrinkles, and then you can paint them over with the appropriate color.

How to use face corrector correctly: photo step by step

Darkening under the eyes

To hide very noticeable circles, use a product from the yellow, orange or pink (for fair-skinned) palette. Tint the layer with a shade that matches your appearance. Apply it in one of the following ways:

  1. Place a few drops around the perimeter of the lower eyelid or make strokes directed from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eyes.
  2. Then gently blend them with your hands or makeup tools. Do the movements in the same order as if you were creating an inverted triangle shape. Don't rub the cosmetics in, but tap them in lightly.

Freckles and age spots

Apply the corrector locally to problem areas and distribute it in a thin, even layer. To avoid stains, mix it with your base foundation. Well neutralizes imperfections blue, orange, green and flesh.

Spider veins, inflammation and other redness

A product with a creamy consistency is best. Place dots or strokes in the right places and drive them in with your fingers so that there are no visible boundaries. To hide red spots, green shades are preferred. For vessels - yellow.

Expression wrinkles

Pre-soften and moisturize the skin. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed. If there are any residues, remove them with a napkin. Take a liquid concealer with a water or oil base and fill in the circles and crow's feet with a fluid (one or two shades lighter than yours). Products with reflective particles and pencils are also suitable. Apply the selected shade along the back of the nose, above the lip, on the chin and forehead. Blend with a sponge.

Changing your face shape

Using a palette of shades, you can not only hide problem areas, but also change your features. To do this, you will need cream and dry concealing cosmetics with a matte effect. The second option is suitable for quick, daytime makeup, as it has a lighter structure and is quickly applied.

  1. Create a base with primer, care cream or BB fluid.
  2. Align your nose with two thin lines along the edges of the back from the bridge of the nose to the very tip. If you need to lengthen it, draw strokes from the eyebrows.
  3. The relief of the face is achieved by highlighting the cheekbones. Place a pencil from the corner of your mouth to your ear. The area underneath needs to be darkened.
  4. Lighten the back of the nose with a stripe down its center. Using the same shade, create a highlight in the center of the forehead, in the inner part of the eyes, in the dimple above the lip and above the previously designated cheekbones.
  5. Blend with a brush, starting with light areas.

Application errors

There are several reasons why the use of such products becomes useless.

  1. Painting only under the eyelid, without covering the area in the inner corner of the eye. You need to distribute the product from the bridge of your nose to your temple in the form of an inverted triangle.
  2. Creating a layer with cold hands. It will be easier to apply makeup if your fingers are warmed up. But it is better to use brushes or sponges for these purposes.
  3. Incorrect acne camouflage. A dot of cream is applied to the inflammation itself and only the borders are smoothed out, not the part above the acne.

Review of face correctors

  1. Alliance Perfect

Products from L’Oreal Paris conceal unevenness, remove bruises and redness. It contains no oils, so it does not clog veins and is suitable for oily skin. Convenient to use thanks to the applicator. Shades out without problems. Due to its watery consistency, it can get stuck in wrinkles.

  1. Touche Eclat Neutralizer

There are three versions on sale: mint, pink and lilac. Well neutralizes local pink, blue spots, yellowness, circles. Has a light structure. Used under or on top of foundation. Vitamin E is included in the composition.

Liquid product with applicator for application from Urban Decay. The line consists of a large number of shades (11), including warm and cold ones. The coating is so weightless that even several layers look unnoticeable. Rich in antioxidants.

Concealer with a creamy structure from MAC. Available in six variants: four nude and two colour. Suitable for any skin. Effectively masks spot defects and helps correct features. Protects from the sun.

  1. Color Correcting Palette

Palette from NYX of 6 cells with pigments: yellow, mint, lavender, two regular ones and pink. Covers darkened areas and inflammation. Can replace a highlighter. Vitamin E is included in the composition.

Manufactured by Chanel. Removes signs of fatigue: circles, swelling. Smoothes out shallow wrinkles and neutralizes redness and other temporary blemishes. Gently distributed, without visible boundaries with your tone and spotting. Doesn't dry out.

From this article you learned how to properly use face correctors using step-by-step photos and instructions. To achieve results, it is important to purchase quality products. Take a look at the First Moscow Customs Goods Store to look for a good product to even out the tone of problem skin. The website offers a large selection at competitive prices.

Neutralize redness, disguise dark circles under the eyes, remove signs of fatigue, give the face radiance - green, purple, yellow and other color correctors can do this and much more. We learned from a professional makeup artist how to use them without looking like a clown.

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Margo Mayor, independent makeup artist: “Now there are many variations on the theme of color correctors: makeup primer, cream corrector, corrective pencils, stick, palette, cushion and so on. They all have different textures, but the general purpose is to hide imperfections and even out the complexion.”

For example, green and yellow correctors mask redness (pimples, inflammation or irritation). But yellow also neutralizes an overly rosy complexion. Purple or lavender correctors instantly remove age spots and refresh the face, peach works well in the area under the eyes, provided that bruises and veins have a pronounced bluish-greenish tint. Pink can also remove dark circles under the eyes and add radiance, while red can dull the yellow undertone of the skin (this is a common problem with aging skin).

Color corrector must be applied to a cleansed and moisturized face. This must be done pointwise, on problem areas. Depending on the required density, use a flat brush (for denser coverage) or a fluffy brush (for lighter coverage). Be sure to shade so that there are no clear boundaries. An important point: the color corrector is applied under the foundation, and not vice versa, otherwise you may end up with a thick layer of tone that will look like a mask. And this is at least ugly.

If the color corrector does not cope with its task or remains noticeable under the foundation, this means that:

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- its texture does not match your skin type and therefore does not suit you. For example, for oily skin prone to redness, it is worth taking a mattifying makeup base with a greenish or yellowish tint (yes, yes, there are such things!);

- you chose the wrong shade. This mistake can cost you dearly, since in this case the color corrector will not hide, but will enhance this or that defect;

- you made a mistake with the application density. A coating that is too light will not cover skin defects, but a coating that is too thick will be noticeable (we talked about this just above).

If you still can’t decide which corrector you need, or you have too many skin problems, then the best option would be to buy a special palette. Most often, it contains from 4 to 12 different shades (some brands allow you to create it yourself) with a creamy texture. By the way, for a couple of years there was a real boom in cream palettes with color correctors - girls used them to do full makeup. But, in my opinion, such makeup looks very dense and out of date. For daily make-up, 1-2 correctors are enough to cope with skin imperfections. And don’t forget that you also have a flesh-colored concealer in your arsenal, which also does an excellent job of covering some imperfections on the face.

One of the new products in the category of correctors are cushions for color correction. Their names contain the letters CC (color correction). This is a tint product with a brightly expressed color (purple, green or yellow), which can replace foundation and powder. A colored cushion, like a regular one, gives a thin, translucent coating, so it’s impossible to overdo it. It refreshes the complexion, hides redness and masks fatigue. In general, he can do everything! But after applying such a cushion, it’s good to powder at least a little.