Relaxation of expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles reflect our emotions. Perhaps the only way to prevent them is to take control of your facial expressions. But a 24-hour poker face is a dubious pleasure, and those around you won’t understand. Let's figure out if there are other ways to remove facial wrinkles.

  1. Causes of wrinkles on the face
  2. Types of facial wrinkles
  3. Is it possible to remove facial wrinkles with cosmetics?
  4. Salon treatments against expression wrinkles
  5. Self-massage and gymnastics
  6. Tools Overview

Causes of wrinkles on the face

To understand how to remove facial wrinkles, you need to understand why they appear. The answer is simple: because man is not an insensitive creature. We smile, frown, widen our eyes in surprise, raise an ironic eyebrow - in general, our emotions are reflected on our face.

Wrinkles form in areas of active facial expression © iStock

It would seem, what's wrong with this? Nothing if the facial muscles were not involved in the process. Every time we change our facial expressions, they move, and the skin is forced to move along with them.

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Types of facial wrinkles

As the name implies, expression wrinkles form in those areas of the face where facial expressions are most involved.

Expression wrinkles on the forehead

The first horizontal wrinkles on the forehead can be noticed already in adolescence due to the habit of raising the eyebrows. If you don’t have enough self-control to get rid of it, and you don’t want to do injections, turn to creams with Botox effect.

It arises as a result of the habit of frowning and is difficult to correct.

Expression wrinkles around the eyes

"Crow's feet." A smile is to blame for their appearance. When we smile, the muscles around the eyes work, and after a while, rays of wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes. If you don't take action, they will become deep.

Wrinkles on the lower eyelid

The thin skin of the eyelids quickly loses its elasticity, and the habit of squinting keeps the muscles in constant tension. So it would not hurt to add vision correction to a cream with an anti-edematous effect (bags speed up the formation of wrinkles) if you squint due to myopia.

A person blinks 15–20 times per minute. Such active facial expressions lead to the formation of “crow’s feet,” which become more noticeable towards the end of the day. In the evening, the eyes look older than in the morning due to more pronounced facial wrinkles.

There are two types of expression lines around the mouth.

Nasolabial folds. True, their formation does not depend on facial expressions, but on heredity, the natural structure of the face, as well as malocclusion.

Wrinkles around the lips are associated with the work of the orbicularis oris muscle © iStock

Perioral folds (purse-string wrinkles) are a consequence of continuous and active work of the orbicularis oris muscle. However, they are formed quite late.

Is it possible to remove facial wrinkles with cosmetics?

Many modern cosmetics begin to work as soon as they enter the skin. But still, don’t expect a Photoshop effect from them, even if the package says “filler” - they won’t be able to erase wrinkles from your face in a minute.

The key to success is regularity and duration of use. If you take a course on rejuvenation, use the product for 3-4 months to count on good and stable results.

Anti-wrinkle creams contain ingredients that can stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin:

retinol and its derivatives.

Also, modern creams have a relaxing Botox-like effect on the skin. The most well-known components are hexapeptide and adenosine.


This is a concentrate that specifically increases skin density. Serums usually contain hyaluronic acid, which improves complexion and smoothes its texture through deep hydration.


A relatively new type of product that borrows wrinkle-filling technology from beauty injections. The principle is the same - to supply the skin cells with hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water in the skin, straightening wrinkles from the inside. Fillers instantly increase skin tone and hydration, reducing the appearance of wrinkles over time.

Salon treatments against expression wrinkles

There are two radical ways to make wrinkles disappear from your face:

immobilize facial muscles so that the muscles stop moving and wringing the skin;

straighten wrinkles from the inside by filling with filler.

Injection techniques are used to correct wrinkles © iStock

Injection techniques

Botulinum toxin. Botox injections immobilize overactive facial muscles for several months. Together with the relaxed muscle, the skin also rests, ceasing to gather in folds, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Contour plastic. Wrinkles are filled from the inside by introducing high-molecular hyaluronic acid - a fairly dense but flexible gel, which, when used skillfully, perfectly corrects deep folds.

Hardware techniques. The devices fight wrinkles, trying in one way or another to tighten the collagen-elastin framework or start the process of skin renewal.

Thermolifting. By increasing the temperature in the dermal layer, the “stretched” old collagen is destroyed and the process of forming a new one begins.

Fractional thermolysis. The skin is damaged in a targeted manner under the influence of a fractional laser that stimulates cell renewal. As a result of renewal, the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear.

Galvanization. One type of electrotherapy helps to relax facial muscles. Effective for correcting wrinkles on the forehead.

Iontophoresis. Cosmetic preparations are carried deep into the skin using an electric current, more effectively stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

Self-massage and gymnastics

To get rid of and prevent facial wrinkles, these are the tips from Facebook building supporters.

In the evening, when applying the cream, place your fingers on your forehead and stroke it from the center to the temples, massage the skin in a circular motion to relax the muscles.

Press your fingertips to the corners of your eyes, close your eyes tightly for five seconds and relax - crow's feet will become less pronounced.

Rotate your eyes in different directions under closed eyelids - this is good for vision and the skin around the eyes.

Rub the fold between your eyebrows between your fingers, pinch it with small movements from bottom to top. Apply the cream horizontally, smoothing the wrinkle from the center to the eyebrows.

Place your fingers on the corners of your lips, draw a circle with the tip of your tongue along the inside of your lips: first in one direction, then in the other direction. This is a good prevention of wrinkles around the mouth.

Tools Overview

Anti-wrinkle products can be used for preventive purposes. Focus on the condition of your skin: if you feel that it has lost its tone, and wrinkles are visible not only at the end of the day, but also after a full night’s rest, feel free to open a jar labeled anti-age.


Anti-wrinkle day cream for firming Rénergie, Lancôme

Returns skin tone and elasticity, protects against oxidative stress.

corn extract, wheat proteins, vitamin E

How to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes? Is it possible to get rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead? What to do with the fine network of wrinkles around the lips? The effectiveness of modern cosmetological techniques: plastic surgery, injections, non-invasive techniques. Possibility of correction at home.


Expression wrinkles are not at all a sign of aging, as is commonly believed. Skin folds can occur at any age, even at a young age. Their cause is individual anatomy, habitual facial expressions, and emotionality. They say that by the appearance and location of these folds one can recognize a person’s lifestyle and character. His emotions leave marks on his face!


Facial muscles control our facial expressions. They are different from muscle tissue in other parts of the body. While the vast majority of muscles are attached at both ends to bones or tendons, the mimic ones are fixed in the skin tissue, intertwined with terminal fibers into the surface epithelium.

Muscles move in response to emotions. Laughter makes us squint our eyes, and surprise makes us raise our eyebrows sharply. At these moments, muscle fibers contract, as a result of which the skin “twitches” following the muscle, and a fold forms on the skin.

At a young age, such movements have no visible consequences. The skin is easily straightened, since the tissues contain a high content of structural proteins. The process of restoration of collagen and elastin occurs at an amazing speed, due to which the epidermis has high turgor, excellent elasticity and plasticity.

But over the years, the synthesis of structural proteins of the skin proceeds more and more slowly. The skin loses its elasticity, but the usual facial expressions are preserved. As a result, creases appear on the skin, which become deeper and more noticeable. This is the main reason for the formation of nasolabial wrinkles, crow's feet, and longitudinal frontal wrinkles.

The severity of skin folds varies, as does the age at which they first appear. Therefore, cosmetologists tend to believe that there are many more reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles.

  1. Typical emotions. They say that by the age of forty, the face bears the imprint of all the characteristic emotions. Optimism in life creates crow's feet and fine wrinkles in the corners of the lips. And anger and sullenness are pronounced vertical furrows on the inside of the eyebrows. Therefore, one of the effective measures to prevent the formation of skin creases is to control your own emotions. Although it is almost impossible to implement it in practice.
  2. Personal care . In women who are accustomed to devoting ten to fifteen minutes to their appearance in the morning and evening, the process of wrinkle formation occurs more slowly than in those who do not take care of themselves. The reason for this is the different capabilities of the skin. Well-hydrated skin has a good reserve of collagen and elastin, while depleted skin is unable to renew its own structure. In the absence of regular care, aging occurs more intensively.

Usually the question of how to get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes or mouth arises after the age of thirty. By forty, the “emotional” folds of the skin are clearly formed in almost every woman.


Aesthetic medicine techniques

Cosmetology offers several techniques to effectively combat facial wrinkles. One of the first was plastic surgery, which today is not used in aesthetic medicine to correct minor age-related changes.

The only situation where resorting to plastic surgery is a justified decision is anatomical sagging of the forehead. With this individual feature, longitudinal deep wrinkles on the forehead form already in adolescence. And the face has an unfriendly, frowning expression. During the operation, the frontal muscle is truncated, which allows you to “open” the face, “open” the eyes and eliminate skin folds.

Injection botulinum therapy

The most popular technique for combating expression wrinkles is botulinum therapy. In Russia it began to be used in the late nineties, in Europe - ten years later. Today it is recognized as a relatively safe, effective technique that allows you to quickly get rid of facial wrinkles and maintain the result for three to six months.

  1. quickly - injections are performed from five minutes to half an hour;
  2. relatively painless - the patient feels pricks with a thin needle or does not feel anything at all during superficial anesthesia;
  3. widespread - you can use this service not only in a large clinic in a metropolis, but also in beauty salons in small towns;
  4. minimum contraindications - these include pregnancy and lactation, neurological disorders, injuries to the facial area in the last 3-5 years.

For subcutaneous injections, Dysport, Botox, and Xeomin are used. The principle of their operation is the same. The difference lies in the period of activity: only Botox lasts up to six months, while other drugs maintain the effect for three to four months.

According to cosmetologists, botulinum toxin injections are considered the “gold standard” for the correction of facial wrinkles. But it is important to highlight shortcomings that can appear both immediately after the procedure and in the short term.

  1. Physiological changes. Unqualified cosmetologists, either unknowingly or intentionally, do not warn patients that time should pass between courses of injections. That is, after the first course, you need to wait until the activity of the facial muscles is completely restored, and only then resort to repeated injections. If botulinum toxin is administered more often, dystrophic processes develop in the muscles.
  2. Skin disorder. Frequent use of the technique leads to aesthetic skin problems. When microcirculation in tissues deteriorates, which inevitably occurs with periodic injections, the barrier properties of the skin and its tone decrease. The skin becomes thinner, which is visually manifested by the formation of a dense network of wrinkles and dryness of the epidermis.

In addition, it is important to consider the following aspect. All drugs of this type have been used in medicine relatively recently. “We can talk about their safety at the moment,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. “But no one knows how the drug will behave in the skin in twenty years. This practice simply does not exist.”


Hyaluronic acid injections

Biorevitalization or injections with hyaluronic acid is a more gentle technique for the body. It involves the introduction not of a toxin, as with botulinum therapy, but of hyaluronic acid, which our body produces itself. The principles of operation of the methods are also different.

When Botox is administered, nerve impulses are blocked. Hyaluronic acid fills the spaces in the tissues, saturates them with moisture, which is why wrinkles are literally pushed out from the inside.

The drug is administered to problem areas. A small amount of a substance is stabilized in the body, which the body perceives as its own, not foreign. In 2007, American specialists confirmed an increase in the intensity of the skin's production of its own collagen after injections of hyaluronic acid and a decrease in the rate of its destruction.

  1. targeted impact - the ability to treat only problem areas with delivery of the active substance to the dermis;
  2. tissue rejuvenation - hyaluronic acid activates collagen production, which improves skin tone and facial appearance;
  3. cumulative effect - after the procedure, wrinkles become less noticeable, but after two weeks they appear again.

A course of procedures, the frequency of which is determined by the doctor, allows you to achieve a lasting result.

It would seem, what contraindications could there be for a technique that allows the skin to rejuvenate from the inside and start the process of “restoration”? If this is not a panacea for old age, what can be considered it? But not all cosmetologists share the opinion about the effectiveness of the technique, like other injection techniques.

“In my practice, I never use “beauty injections,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. “And it’s not that the sight of blood or the need to give injections scares me. For all people with medical education, this does not cause the slightest embarrassment. The reason is that a cosmetologist must take care not only of the current effect, but also of the patient’s condition in the future.

Any injections that are injected under the skin weigh down the facial tissues, continues Olga Fem. “And everyone knows that we are affected by gravitational forces, which cause age-related ptosis, that is, drooping of facial tissues with age. It is logical that the heavier the fabrics, the more they will sag. Therefore, at a specific point in time, injections can indeed bring improvement. But after five years, with a high probability, the patient’s condition will worsen.”


Non-invasive correction

The technique that allows you to remove facial wrinkles from the mouth, eyes, and forehead without injections is the most gentle, comfortable and effective. It was developed by the Meder Beauty Science laboratory, and is based on the superficial application of substances with a muscle relaxant effect to the skin.

The drug contains the vegetable protein Acetylhexapeptide. It acts similarly to Botox, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles in contact with the skin. The total duration of the procedure is 45 minutes, the course is carried out over one month and includes up to five procedures. The effect lasts from eight months to a year provided that maintenance therapy is performed. During this period, the active component remains in the tissues and corrects facial wrinkles, eliminating their appearance.

Advantages of non-invasive correction of facial wrinkles:

  1. absolute painlessness, which allows us to recommend it to people who are afraid of injections;
  2. lasting effect up to a year;
  3. absence of trauma - the effect of “acne”, as after injections, pronounced lifting effect;
  4. Possibility of use on different parts of the body - in the neck, décolleté.

The non-invasive correction technique forms the basis for a whole range of drugs that can be used at home. These are creams with peptides, which contain similar substances in lower concentrations.

Chemical peels are also considered a remedy for expression lines. But it is important to understand that compositions based on AHA acids work in the upper or middle layer of the epidermis, exfoliate the stratum corneum and stimulate skin renewal. After such procedures, the appearance really improves: the relief of the skin is evened out, tone and elasticity increase. However, chemical peels cannot completely remove expression lines; rather, they can smooth them out and reduce their severity.

Technologies for home use

You can also get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead at home and reduce the severity of crow's feet. Much depends on daily care and the general condition of the skin. But some techniques should not be overestimated.



It is believed that facial gymnastics is an effective remedy for combating traces of active facial expressions. There are whole sets of exercises aimed at normalizing the tone of muscle fibers. And even face-building trainers who will help and teach the basics of such techniques.

But before you turn to gymnastics and place your hopes on it, think about this. The nature of facial wrinkles lies in the mobility of the underlying muscles and loss of tone and elasticity of the skin. Muscle fibers that are in good shape will not only not keep the skin smooth, but, on the contrary, will pull it and create additional muscle folds.

The essence of modern cosmetic techniques for correcting such folds is to block the mobility of a certain muscle group, while gymnastics is always aimed at “training” them. There is no proven effectiveness of such a technique, unlike massage.



Salon technology that can be used at home. Massage improves blood supply to tissues, increases the intensity of microcirculation, and allows the skin to receive more nutrients.

Massages are included in the basic range of anti-aging care technologies, and for good reason. After all, they are aimed at relieving the tone of different muscle groups, as a result of which the face is smoothed, wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin acquires elasticity and an attractive color.

At home, you can use simple and effective techniques.

  1. Frontal folds. Place your fingertips in the center of your forehead. Using pressure, move them apart towards your temples. Repeat 10 times. Place the fingers of one hand on your temple. Perform movements from top to bottom “zigzag” along the entire plane of the forehead. Repeat 10 times. These movements smooth out vertical and horizontal wrinkles.
  2. Nasolabial folds. Place the pads of your middle and index fingers at the base of your nostrils. Press vigorously 10 times.
  3. "Crow's feet." Perform circular tapping movements along the bony edge of the eye sockets. Place your fingertips under the lower eyelid and apply light pressure.
  4. General massage. Walk along all massage lines with light pinches. This improves blood supply to tissues and increases skin tone.

Perform massage only on cleansed skin. It is convenient to do it when applying evening cream, after a shower. Avoid any massage techniques if you have inflammation on your face, rashes or acne.


Cream with peptides

Use a cream with peptides as a solution to remove expression lines on the forehead and under the eyes. Cosmetic compositions work effectively in the upper part of the face, but have virtually no effect on the nasolabial folds.

The principle of their operation is to block nerve impulses transmitted to muscle fibers. Therefore, such products are often called creams with the “Botox” effect. But surface application makes them much safer and more gentle.

Recommendations for the use of creams with peptides.

  1. Apply locally. These formulations are good for solving problems in specific areas of the face. There's no point in spending it all over your face. Apply directly to wrinkles around the eyes and forehead.
  2. Use for a long time. Unlike salon techniques, home remedies do not work as quickly. The effect of regular use appears within two to three months.
  3. Apply as a course. During the year, conduct two courses of cream with peptides. The effect of each course lasts for several months.



There are no masks that can smooth out wrinkles. All compositions, both folk recipes and ready-made cosmetic ones, act in a different way. Masks saturate the epidermis with moisture and nutrients, due to which small networks of wrinkles that arise due to dryness straighten out. The epidermis improves tone, and the face looks much better than without such care.

Use moisturizing masks based on hyaluronic acid, urea, alginates, which perfectly renew skin functions and improve its tone. From folk recipes, choose formulations based on sour cream, yogurt, protein and yolk, oatmeal and rice flakes with the addition of a few drops of grapefruit, chamomile, and shea essential oils.

Expression wrinkles around the mouth, forehead, and around the eyes can be removed using modern cosmetic techniques. There are injection and non-injection methods for correcting skin folds. With appropriate home care, wrinkles become less pronounced. And the skin does not require serious interventions for a long time, maintaining an attractive appearance. Use peptide cream, moisturizing masks, massage at home.

How to remove expression wrinkles

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

There are two main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles: natural aging, which we know about from biology lessons and which, alas, we cannot stop, as well as contraction of the facial muscles - it makes sense to consider the second factor in more detail, having studied why expression wrinkles form and how to remove them various methods. As the name implies, facial wrinkles are wrinkles associated with movements of the facial muscles. These include “crow’s feet” around the eyes, nasolabial and eyebrow folds, and transverse grooves on the forehead.

  1. Where do expression lines come from?
  2. How to remove expression wrinkles
  3. Cosmetics
  4. Gymnastics and manual plastics
  5. Hardware cosmetology
  6. Subcutaneous injections
  7. Botox
  8. Mesotherapy
  9. Plasma
  10. How to remove expression wrinkles video

Where do expression lines come from?

As we said, the appearance of wrinkles is associated with two mechanisms. Firstly, over the years the protective functions of the skin deteriorate, it becomes vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures and other external influences. Due to impaired hydration, the epidermis experiences a moisture deficiency, which leads to dehydration. At this time, muscle tone weakens - the tissues, in accordance with the laws of physics, sink down. Wrinkles caused by age-related changes are called static or gravitational.

Another type is mimic or dynamic wrinkles. Every time our face moves, the skin forms folds in certain areas. At a young age, the skin is elastic, so these folds are smoothed out without a trace immediately after the facial muscles relax. With age, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases, so the consequences of constant “transformations” of the skin become noticeable.

The “facial risk zone” is usually the areas under the eyes, devoid of sebaceous glands and a layer of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, it is the thin skin near the eyes that bears the main facial load. Then folds appear in the forehead and bridge of the nose, and then it is the turn of wrinkles in the area around the mouth and in the corners of the eyes. The first wrinkles can appear at 15 or 40 years old. Genetic characteristics, facial structure, health status, and lifestyle play a big role.

Factors that can aggravate skin problems:

  1. Stress, lack of sleep;
  2. Bad habits;
  3. Staying in the sun;
  4. Dry air;
  5. Improper skin care;
  6. Unbalanced diet;
  7. Bad ecology;
  8. Rapid weight loss;
  9. Metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  11. High facial activity.

If static wrinkles are practically impossible to correct, then it is quite possible to remove expression wrinkles - or, at least, you can make them less deep.

How to remove expression wrinkles

A modern arsenal of products to combat expression wrinkles allows you to eliminate the “mesh” near the eyes and creases in the skin in other areas. Numerous methods offered by cosmetology, traditional medicine and beauty bloggers can be combined into 4 groups.

Let's look at each of them, starting from “light artillery” and ending with “heavy”:

  1. Cosmetic compositions for external use;
  2. Exercises (face building) and massage;
  3. Hardware procedures;
  4. Subcutaneous injections.


A variety of anti-aging skin care products include creams, gels, lotions, masks, and serums. You can purchase ready-made cosmetics or prepare them at home. In the first case, study the composition. Beware of hormonal drugs, which will please you with results in the short term, but will cause addiction. Do not believe the marketing slogans: the “hyaluronic acid” in the cream, advertised as a challenge to expression lines, has no effect on the skin, since the acid molecules are much larger than the size that would allow them to penetrate the epidermis.

The selection of folk recipes for combating expression wrinkles is even more impressive than the store and pharmacy assortment of products. Popular ingredients are oils, aloe juice, honey, gelatin, and vitamins in ampoules.

Here is a simple mask for expression wrinkles: add retinol and tocopherol to vegetable oil, use the resulting mixture as a mask or compress, and keep it on your face for 20-30 minutes. External products are not capable of working a miracle on their own, making wrinkles disappear, but are part of skin care, protecting, nourishing, and moisturizing it from the outside, as well as helping to cleanse dead skin cells.

Gymnastics and manual plastics

Facebuilding and massage are good because you can start them at any time at home. These methods do not require investment of time or money, but do require self-discipline because the basis for achieving the desired results is regular application. Every day you need to devote 15-20 minutes to classes. You can easily find information on how to remove facial wrinkles with the help of exercises and self-massage on the Internet, where there are many videos on this topic.

Facial gymnastics and massage techniques are aimed at normalizing muscle tone. Remember that movements should be smooth. Work with the skin delicately, massage problem areas with your fingertips, use soft patting techniques, and never stretch the skin, especially under the eyes. It is advisable to use nourishing cream or oils. Another mandatory condition is cleanliness of hands and face during classes.

Hardware cosmetology

Such techniques include:

  1. Grinding;
  2. Peeling;
  3. Fractional thermolysis;
  4. Phonophoresis;
  5. Iontophoresis;
  6. Laser biorevitalization;
  7. Ridolysis;
  8. Microcurrent therapy;
  9. Galvanotherapy;
  10. Photolifting;
  11. Thermage.

This is not a complete list of methods that aesthetic medicine uses to solve skin problems - including how to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and how to remove existing ones. The principle of the technology is as follows: with the help of a laser, electric current, compressed gas, ultrasound or radio waves, blood and lymph circulation in all layers of the skin is improved, regeneration is accelerated, and the work of fibroblasts - elements of connective tissue that synthesize the extracellular matrix - is stimulated. As a result, the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and water, collagen production increases, and the functioning of the glands is normalized. The surface of the skin is evened out, the complexion becomes fresher.

Subcutaneous injections

“Injections of youth” are divided into several types based on their functional purpose.


The first is botulinum toxin or, as it is called, Botox. This drug does not have a direct effect on the condition of our skin; its function is to paralyze the muscles, the contraction of which provokes the formation of creases. Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of impulses from nerve fibers to muscle receptors. Eliminating muscle tension ensures the disappearance of shallow facial wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

In other words, Botox does what we – theoretically – could do ourselves, by learning to control the facial expression of emotions and stopping squinting, frowning, laughing, and wrinkling our foreheads. But this is impossible, so people resort to injections that prevent expression lines from appearing around the eyes, between and above the eyebrows. The advantages of the procedure include its painlessness, absence of consequences in the form of hematomas under the skin, and quickly noticeable results. The disadvantages are short-lived action (up to six months), the impression of a “frozen mask”, addiction, ineffectiveness for already formed, deep wrinkles.


The second type of injections is mesotherapy using hyaluronic acid, vitamin cocktails and other biologically active substances. Hyaluronic acid has the ability to bind water molecules, so the skin is saturated with moisture from the inside, and the folds are “filled.” Vitamins and other microelements, “delivered” directly to the mesoderm, activate cell restoration, improve blood microcirculation, stimulate skin production of collagen, and slow down aging.

Mesotherapy is most often used to smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles above the lip and around the eyes, as well as for severe wrinkles on the forehead. The ingredients are selected by the doctor taking into account individual characteristics and needs. Mesotherapy injections are not as easily perceived by the skin as Botox: redness, swelling, and even bruising may remain on the face. However, you can tolerate pain for 15 minutes; the effect of mesotherapy allows you to forget about wrinkles for up to a year.

As a rule, to get rid of wrinkles, Botox and mesotherapy are used in combination, since the first “works” on the muscles, and the second on the skin. The main guarantee of the effectiveness and safety of injections is the choice of a competent specialist who will advise how to remove facial wrinkles from the eyes, lips or eyebrows, and correctly determine the required composition for injections and its dosage. Preparations for subcutaneous administration have contraindications.


There is another type of injection for facial wrinkles, which involves injecting a person’s own platelet-rich plasma under the skin. Platelets accelerate the growth of cellular structures and the formation of intercellular substances, promote enhanced regeneration, stimulate metabolism, and strengthen blood vessels. The procedure can be used not only for beauty and to prevent age-related changes in the skin, but also to treat skin diseases, eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes, and heal scars.

You shouldn’t start giving injections at the first superficial wrinkles. The choice of a remedy for eliminating wrinkles depends on their depth, the person’s age, and the condition of the body. The success of the event can be guaranteed only with an integrated approach: it is not enough to remove the external manifestations of facial wrinkles, you need to work with the causes of their occurrence and contributing factors.

Add foods high in vitamins A, E, C, group B to your diet, eat olive oil, spend time in the fresh air, don’t frown, don’t overstrain your eyes, drink water, give up alcohol and smoking, sleep 7-8 hours per day, protect your skin from sun rays.

How to remove expression wrinkles video

Getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead: effective exercises

Expression wrinkles on the forehead have recently begun to bother people aged 25 years, or even earlier. They spoil the appearance and give away a person’s age. Sometimes facial wrinkles even visually add several years to the face. We don’t notice how actively we gesture with our faces in conversations or arguments, and at this time more and more new folds are brewing on our faces.

There are many reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Aging of the body. This is the most common cause of facial wrinkles on the forehead. Facial muscles lose their elasticity, their fibers weaken. As a result, facial skin becomes darker and wrinkles become more noticeable.
  2. Facial expressions that have become a habit. If you constantly frown or raise your eyebrows, then wrinkles may appear on you ahead of time.
  3. Smoking abuse.
  4. Constant stress, depression, emotional tension, nervous stress and overwork.
  5. Lack of sleep.
  6. Very active physical activity in large volumes, not gymnastics.
  7. Constant exposure to the sun. Everyone knows that ultraviolet radiation, including solar radiation, accelerates the aging process of the skin.
  8. Poor living conditions.
  9. Poor ecology in the place of residence.
  10. Constant use of decorative cosmetics.
  11. Insufficient face building or too intensive facial skin care.
  12. Hereditary predisposition.

Wrinkles on the forehead can be vertical or horizontal. Horizontal ones look like folds along the forehead. They occur when the eyebrows are raised frequently. Vertical wrinkles are most often visible between the eyebrows, and they appear if you have a habit of frowning.

Today there are many ways to fight against facial wrinkles.

Many manufacturers offer special products, various injections, cosmetic procedures and other activities. They all cost a certain amount of money.

If you don’t want to spend your money, then explore other ways to fight wrinkles: yoga, face-building, facial gymnastics.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles

To monitor the condition of your skin and prevent it from aging, we offer you a list of possible activities:

  1. Massage with coconut oil. To do the massage, take 3 teaspoons of coconut oil, rub it in your palms and massage your forehead with slow massaging movements.
  2. Adjust your diet. Remove everything fatty and too spicy from your daily diet, do not eat a lot of sweet and salty foods, exclude all kinds of smoked foods. Your diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals, which are found in vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, and fresh dairy products. Without nutrients, your body will age very quickly, and junk food will only worsen this process. You need to eat right throughout your life. In addition to the disappearance of wrinkles, you will receive as a pleasant bonus a good figure, excellent health and relief from many diseases.
  3. When you go to the beach or just be in the open sun, don't forget to wear sunglasses.
  4. Massage the scrub onto your skin at least twice a week. This way you can get rid of dead skin cells.
  5. Use only those cosmetic creams and products that contain only natural ingredients. They will cost a little more, but the results are worth it.
  6. Sleep at least eight hours a night. During this time, your body will produce the right amount of collagen to keep your skin toned.
  7. When exposed to the open sun, especially in the summer, be sure to apply a special cream to your skin to protect it from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

In addition, certain gymnastics, yoga, face building, and facial gymnastics will help you fight against expression wrinkles.

Exercises to get rid of expression lines

Face building (yoga and facial gymnastics) against horizontal and vertical wrinkles is different.

So, yoga to combat horizontal wrinkles includes the following exercises:

  1. Sit comfortably at the table, elbows should be on the table, and fingers should lie along the hairline. Using your fingers, pull the skin up and hold it in such a position that existing wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones do not appear. Pull the skin down and hold it in this position for three seconds. Do three of these repetitions. While performing muscle exercises, do not frown on your face, keep your muscles in a state of relaxation.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as you can and raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Repeat this movement very quickly, gradually accelerating. Do 12 of these repetitions.
  3. Place all the fingers on both hands on the forehead and pull the skin down with force. At the same time, you should try to raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Do six reps.
  4. Try to stretch your lower lip in different directions. Practice so that your upper lip remains motionless.
  5. Stand tall, raise your arms up and tense your whole body. Start tilting your head forward, right, backward, left. Repeat these yoga exercises several times as your neck gets tired.
  6. If you do not have problems with your neck, then tilt your head back very sharply, while simultaneously opening your mouth. Then push your lower jaw forward so that your chin muscles tighten.
  7. Try to lower the corners of your mouth as much as possible. At the same time, tense your neck muscles. After tension, sharply bring all muscles to relax. During this exercise, do not forget to support your chin with your hands and place your elbows on the table.

Now let’s look at how effective gymnastics (face building, face yoga) works against vertical forehead wrinkles:

  1. Place your hands on your head so that all fingers except your thumbs are on your forehead, and your thumbs are on the back of your head. Now begin to squeeze your forehead with your hands, while raising your eyebrows as much as possible. In the highest position of your eyebrows, freeze for six seconds. Do five of these repetitions.
  2. Place your middle fingers in the middle of your eyebrow arches. Now use your fingers to pull back your eyebrows, frowning at the same time. Stay in this position for six seconds. Then do the same action in reverse: pull your eyebrows down with your fingers, and with the help of your facial muscles try to raise your eyebrows as high as possible. You also need to stay in this position for six seconds. Watch your fingers carefully: they should not create new wrinkles.
  3. Close your eyes, and with your fingers try to pull the corners of your eyes towards your temples. At the same time, use your facial muscles to resist this process.
  4. Using your fingers, pull the skin under your eyes as much as possible. Hold this position for six seconds. Repeat several times. Make sure that your fingers do not create new folds on your face.
  5. Use your fingers to pull down the skin on your cheeks, while resisting this process as much as possible with your facial muscles. Hold this pose for six seconds.
  6. Stretch your middle fingers behind your cheeks towards your gums, pulling the skin of your cheeks from the inside. At the same time, resist this process as much as possible.

These face-building exercises (yoga and facial gymnastics) for muscles are very effective if performed regularly. But if you want faster and more pronounced results, then combine these exercises with some folk remedies.

Traditional methods of getting rid of wrinkles

To increase skin elasticity and fight against forehead wrinkles along with face building and facial yoga, try these remedies:

  1. Make a compress of mint tincture on the skin of the entire face. Hold it for about five minutes.
  2. Mix rice flour with three tablespoons of grapefruit and a spoonful of kefir. Apply to your face for five minutes, then rinse off the mask with water.
  3. Grind the potatoes and cucumber using a grater. Mix vegetables and make a mask. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off the mixture and wipe your face with lemon juice and any natural oil for the facial muscles.

Thus, it is quite possible to fight against wrinkles on the forehead; the main thing is that you need to have a great desire and not be lazy. Gymnastics (face building, face yoga) are effective only for purposeful people.

Product name Action Active components
Night intensive lifting care Revitalift, L’Oréal Paris Strengthens elastin fibers and activates cell renewal. proretinol
Anti-glycation cream for mature skin, A.G.E. Interrupter, SkinCeuticals Fights glycation (“sugarification” of collagen fibers), restores tissue elasticity. blueberry extract, proxilan, phytosphingosine
Day cream “Anti-aging care, Active Lifting 45+”, Garnier Visibly strengthens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity, and reduces wrinkles. plant cells, sea buckthorn oil
Intensive anti-aging care Redermic C10, La Roche-Posay Fills wrinkles, increases elasticity and evens out skin color. vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E