How to draw vampire fangs on lips

One of the most common images chosen for Halloween parties is a vampire girl. Movies, in particular the “Twilight” saga, contributed to the popularization and romanticization of the image. You can choose both a classic version and one with a twist, so that it is immediately clear that you are going to a party. You can create the image of a mysterious vampire girl for Halloween yourself, without resorting to special makeup, but using ordinary cosmetics.

“Vampire” makeup for Halloween is based on the following principles:

  1. very pale skin;
  2. expressive eye and lip makeup.

What you need for a vampire girl's makeup for Halloween

To create a vampire look for Halloween you will need the following:

  1. moisturizer (it will serve as a base for makeup and protect the skin);
  2. foundation of a very light shade;
  3. loose powder of the same tone;
  4. bronze blush;
  5. black and red eyeliners;
  6. a palette of shadows, which contains dark and light shades;
  7. mascara;
  8. burgundy or purple lipstick;
  9. fake blood;
  10. overlays on teeth, with the help of which an imitation of fangs is created.

Do it yourself artificial blood You can use red and blue food coloring with the addition of:

So that the resulting mixture is not too thick, and the shade is close to natural. To do this, add a little blue tint to the red dye.

Using these tools, you can create a simple vampire girl makeup for Halloween. If you want to make a more complex make-up, then it is better to use theatrical makeup. The makeup will be complemented by a properly chosen suit. Fantasy is also not limited - it can be an old medieval dress or a modern outfit. You can use colored lenses - this will make the image more impressive. The main thing is that all of the above form a single ensemble.

Video: how to do vampire makeup for Halloween

Step-by-step instructions for applying “vampire” makeup for Halloween

Step-by-step instructions for creating a vampire girl's makeup for Halloween:

  1. The work begins with preparing the facial skin. It needs to be cleaned with tonic, then applied with moisturizer. If you have skin defects, they need to be disguised (a vampire's skin must be perfect). Next, apply a thick layer of foundation not only to the face, but also to the neck and ears. If you have a highlighter with reflective particles, apply it under your eyes. Set the result with powder.

Important! If you want to make your skin even paler, add a small amount of white and light blue eyeshadow to the powder.

  1. Apply a bronze blush to your cheekbones to create a sunken cheek effect.
  2. Make your eyebrows more expressive with dark shadows or a pencil.
  3. Apply a light shade of eye shadow to the moving eyelid. Apply a dark shade of eyeshadow to the crease of the upper eyelid and the area under the eyes. Blend everything thoroughly - this will create the illusion of dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Use dark purple or black shadows to line your eyeliner. Or use liquid eyeliner of a similar color.
  5. Using a pencil, draw a line along the growth of the lower eyelashes. If you take a pencil in a black or red shade, you will create the effect of sore eyes.
  6. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. If you want to make your eye makeup more expressive, you can use false eyelashes.
  7. Apply burgundy or other dark shade of lipstick to your lips. You can lightly smear it in the corners of your lips. And using artificial blood, draw thin streams of blood.

All you have to do is put on false fangs and colored lenses to make the image look impressive.

Photo: step-by-step instructions for vampire makeup

Video: how to do vampire makeup for Halloween

Creating Bites on the Neck for Vampire Girl Makeup

An important detail of a vampire's Halloween look is the bites on the neck. It is quite difficult to draw them on your own, so you can ask someone to help you. Below are instructions for creating bites:

  1. Using a black pencil (cosmetic), draw two dots with a diameter of 5 mm;
  2. there is no need to make them perfectly round - it is more appropriate to make them uneven to create the illusion of skin damage;
  3. use red shadows to draw a rim around the points so that the skin appears inflamed and irritated;
  4. apply a little purple eyeshadow - this will make the bruises appear. Blend the transitions between shadows well;
  5. add a drop of artificial blood and let it drain a little.

Important! If you didn't have time to make fake blood, you can use dark red lip gloss. But it flows worse, so you will have to smear it further to make it look natural and beautiful.

Video: how to do makeup with vampire bites for Halloween

Certainly, you can limit yourself to the “smoky eye” technique — its meaning is also in the expressiveness of the eyes. But it’s better to spend a little more time, practice and add to it so that the image of a vampire girl for Halloween turns out to be more natural and impressive.

The main thing is don't forget fangs are a feature of this image.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of a vampire girl for Halloween

An interesting solution for Halloween: instead of artificial fangs, you can draw them on your lips. The image of a vampire girl will not suffer from this; on the contrary, it will look interesting and original!

Vampire girls should focus not only on sharp fangs, but also on their eyes: bright shadows, eyeliner, lush eyelashes and even lenses! All these will help make you the queen of your Halloween party!

The photo below is the perfect vampire look for a blonde.

A vampire girl for Halloween can have either natural hair color or artificial gray hair.

Video: how to do vampire makeup at home

With a harmonious combination of makeup, clothing and other details, the image of a vampire will be one of the most striking at the Halloween celebration.

Holidays add variety to our lives. If previously carnival costumes were used only on New Year's holidays, today another costume holiday has become very popular - Halloween.

Children also enjoy participating in Halloween festivities. After all, they love to dress up in unusual costumes, portraying zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits.

To make the image complete, you need not only to choose a costume, but also to come up with makeup that matches the character. For example, a vampire costume will not produce the desired effect if the child does not have sharp fangs and deathly pale facial skin.

How does children's Halloween vampire makeup differ from adult makeup? Firstly, it is worth taking into account the age of the child. If this is a baby, then makeup should not scare him. Therefore, we try to make make-up for the child not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, it should be taken into account that children’s skin is thinner and more sensitive, so the cosmetics that are planned to be used must be hypoallergenic and harmless.

Important point! Before applying makeup, you need to conduct allergy tests. You need to take a little of the cosmetics that you plan to use and apply it to the skin of your baby’s hands in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow. If after a couple of hours there is no negative reaction (rash, redness, itching), you can start working with makeup.

Types of makeup

To give your child Halloween vampire makeup, you can use several types of makeup.

The best option is face painting. These are hypoallergenic water-based paints. After application, they do not cause discomfort, do not tighten the skin, and adhere well. This product is sold in dry (in tablets) or already diluted form. The first option is more practical for use at home, since undiluted makeup has a long shelf life and can be used for several years. And this is an important factor, since face painting is not cheap.

This product is applied with sponges and brushes. To remove makeup, just wash your face.

You can also use theatrical makeup; as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions. However, this product is made on a fat basis; the skin under a layer of makeup does not breathe. Therefore, it is better not to use this option for young children or to apply it only to small areas of the skin, and not to cover the entire face with makeup. To remove such makeup you will need cosmetic milk or oil.

Another tool that can be used to make a vampire makeup for Halloween for children is special face crayons. This product is harmless to the skin and easy to apply. However, crayons have a significant drawback - they wear off quickly, so makeup made with their help will not last long.

In addition to the tools listed, to create the image of a vampire you will need:

  1. cosmetic pencils of different colors (at a minimum you need to have black and red on hand);
  1. eyeliner and mascara;
  1. dark blush;
  1. an eyeshadow palette with several shades, it is important that the palette contains dark tones, preference for burgundy, purple, dark brown, gray, black;
  1. concealer.

The tools you will need are sponges, brushes of different sizes and shapes, as well as cotton swabs and correction discs.

How to apply makeup?

First of all, you need to come up with an image that will be supported by a suit, makeup and accessories. To do this, you should look at photos of children in the role of the selected character. Of course, you don’t have to copy an image created by someone else; you can simply get the basic ideas and then create an exclusive makeup with your own hands.

Let's look at how to do light vampire makeup, describing the work step by step.

First you need to prepare and protect your baby's skin. To do this, apply baby cream to your face. After about fifteen minutes, when the cream is absorbed, you can start working. Our task at this stage is to give the skin a deathly pallor. To do this, you can use white makeup, to which you can add a little blue paint. If you have freckles or pimples on your face, you need to apply concealer to them.

If you don’t have makeup on hand, you can whiten your face with a home remedy that can be prepared from flour, starch and a few drops of glycerin. This composition is applied with a sponge. If you apply it too thickly, it may crack and crumble slightly over time. However, this will make the image of a vampire even more terrible.

Then you should powder your face with baby powder, brush off excess powder with a powder puff.

Now it's time to use blush. You can use bronze or another dark shade, blush can be replaced with dark brown or gray shadows. Apply the product with a wide brush to the cheekbones and sides of the forehead and temples.

You can start working on the eyes; they should appear sunken and stand out brightly on the face. Shadows are used to highlight the eyes. If you are creating makeup for a boy, you should use gray, black or dark brown shadows. When creating makeup for a girl, you can use colored shadows - burgundy, purple.

A light shade should be applied to the moving eyelid, and a dark shade should be placed in the crease. Be sure to put dark shadows under the eyes and shade them well to create an imitation of bruises. Girls can line their eyes and draw arrows, tint their eyelashes. Boys don't need such excesses.

Eyebrows need to be highlighted brightly; you can give them an unusual shape, for example, make them broken. Or simply emphasize the natural contour with black shadows. Particular emphasis on the lips. They should be painted with bright gloss, smeared a little, to create the impression that the lips are stained with blood.

Teenagers can wear artificial onlays on their teeth to imitate fangs. When creating makeup for children, it is better to paint an imitation of fangs with face painting on the lower lip.

So, a simple Halloween vampire makeup for a child is ready, you can go to the party.

If you want to learn how to draw a vampire fangs and teeth with a pencil step by step, take a few simple steps.

Step 1. This is not really a step. I just provided a quick visual guide on what a vampire fang looks like from different angles. The first view of the fangs is the side view that I described to you in the picture. The middle one is a front view and the third one is a 3/4 view. It is here for your pleasure.

Step 2. Okay this is your first step. You will be drawing a lip line that is curved as shown here. It almost looks like an ocean wave. Next, draw a straight line under the middle of your lips so that your four front teeth come out nice and even. Next, draw the canine and teeth on the lining, as shown in the picture, one tooth at a time. When you are finished you are going to draw a slightly curved line for the tongue.

Step 3. Now what you do here in this step is draw out the top of the lips, so it has a nice even wavy format. Next, start drawing the opposite side of the canine and tooth lines shown until you have a semi-complete set of teeth and bands. With this step you will be ready for the next one.

Step 4: In this next step, you will begin to draw out the tongue lining, which makes it look like it is sticking out at you. After this you can now finish the left side of the mouth with the small fangs and detail the tips of both fangs as shown in the picture. Draw curved lines that separate the gum from the tooth as well.

Step 5. The only guideline in this step that you will need to erase is the one under the four front teeth. You can go ahead and do it now. Next detail the teeth from scratch with simple lines and then detail the tongue and right smaller fangs as shown in the picture.

Step 6. And wa-la! This is what your vampire fangs should look like when you're completely done. What you want to do now is color in the lips and add some blood detail to the fangs as well. You did it. What this tutorial will do is show you how to draw vampire fangs and teeth, step by step.